What is the symposium meaning?

symposium \sim-POH-zee-um\ noun. 1 a : a convivial party (as after a banquet in ancient Greece) with music and conversation. b : a social gathering at which there is free interchange of ideas. 2 a : a formal meeting at which several specialists deliver short addresses on a topic or on related topics — compare …

Is symposium Greek or Latin?

Etymology. Borrowed from Latin symposium, from Ancient Greek συμπόσιον (sumpósion, “drinking party”) from συμπίνω (sumpínō, “drink together”) συν- (sun-, “together-”) + πίνω (pínō, “drink”).

What is the difference between symposium and symposia?

Symposia (symposiums is also an acceptable plural) and conferences are both formal gatherings of scholars and researchers, where attendees present their work, hear others speak, and discuss the latest developments within their field.

What does symposium mean in Greek?

drinking together
A symposium is a ritualized drinking event in ancient Greece. Its name, “symposium,” literally refers to a “drinking together,” a hint for the defining activity shared by participants of the symposium: the consumption of wine.

Who is the founder of symposium?

Symposium (Plato)

1513 editio princeps
Author Plato
Genre philosophy, Platonic dialogue
Set in Athens, 416 BC
Publication date c. 385–370 BC

What do you call a Greek party?

A symposium is a ritualized drinking event in ancient Greece. Its name, “symposium,” literally refers to a “drinking together,” a hint for the defining activity shared by participants of the symposium: the consumption of wine.

What happened at a Greek symposium?

The symposium (or symposion) was an important part of ancient Greek culture from the 7th century BCE and was a party held in a private home where Greek males gathered to drink, eat and sing together. Various topics were also discussed such as philosophy, politics, poetry and the issues of the day.

How many members are in a symposium?

Symposia consist of 5 invited speakers whose talks are strongly integrated.

What were parties called in ancient Greece?

The symposium (or symposion) was an important part of ancient Greek culture from the 7th century BCE and was a party held in a private home where Greek males gathered to drink, eat and sing together.