How do I contact CalWORKs?

For information on how to apply for CalFresh benefits in your county, please call 1-877-847-3663.

Who is in charge of DPSS?

Jiménez, who has served as DPSS Acting Director since March, has assumed the responsibility of overseeing the Department’s annual budget of $4 billion, which provides programs and services to 3.5 million low-income County residents.

How do I get ahold of CalFresh?

CalFresh Info Line 1-877-847-3663. Available in English, Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Russian. For speech and/or hearing assistance call 711 Relay.

How much is CalWORKs cash aid?

Maximum Aid Payment (MAP) Levels

Eligible persons Non-exempt MAP Exempt MAP
1 $579 $638
2 733 819
3 925 1,035
4 1,116 1,244

How much cash aid will I get for a family of 3 in California?

If you have no income, and you are a family of three, you will receive a cash assistance of $878 per month but may vary depending on where you live in California. Receipt of CalWORKs is limited to no more than 48 countable months. There is, however, no time limit on aid for children up to age 18.

How do I verify DPSS benefits?

  2. Log in to the DPSS website:
  3. If you created an. account, click YES and.
  4. If you clicked YES: You will be directed to this site and skip Step 3 Click on Login.
  5. Look for your CASE Number (Depending on your case, you might have subcategories.

How do I file a complaint against the DPSS?

  1. Completing the “Complaint of Discriminatory Treatment Form”;
  2. Calling the Civil Rights Discrimination Complaint Hotline at (562) 908-8501; or.
  3. Asking to speak to the Civil Rights Liaison at any DPSS office or informing any DPSS staff.