How long does it take to get results back from MaterniT21?

The test delivers clear positive or negative results for well known chromosomal abnormalities, such as trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), typically returned in about five days from the receipt of your blood draw at our lab in California.

How do I find out my MaterniT21 results?

Call 877.821. 7266 for MaterniT 21 PLUS and MaterniT GENOME. Call 800.848. 4436 for all other tests.

How long does it take to get NIPT results 2020?

It can take up to 2 weeks to get the result of your NIPT. If the result is ‘negative’, ‘normal’ or ‘low risk’, your baby is unlikely to have any of the chromosomal disorders tested. If the result is ‘positive’, ‘abnormal’ or ‘high risk’, this means your baby is likely to be affected.

How long does it take to get NIPT Results 2021?

Results from NIPT usually take about 8 to 14 days. You will get your result by a secure email message or a phone call when the result is ready.

How long does it take to get the results of a genetic test?

Most tests are returned within 2-3 weeks, but some may take up to 8 weeks.

How long does it take to get NIPT results 2021?

What can cause a false positive for Down syndrome?

Undetected tumors and mosaicism, in which cells within the mother carry a different genetic makeup, can also be responsible. Several large studies have confirmed that these cell-free DNA, or cfDNA, tests have a detection rate of 99 percent for Down syndrome, with a false-positive rate of as low as 0.1 percent.

How long does it take to get gender results?

It usually takes around five working days to get the results. Your doctor or fetal medicine midwife will discuss this with you, including how you will get your test results.

Does the MaterniT21 test tell gender?

How would you like to know whether you are having a boy or a girl early in your pregnancy?