What Pokémon has the best stats in Pokémon Emerald?

Aside from Mythicals, Legendaries, and Megas, Slaking has the highest base stat total of any Pokemon. Slaking is, fortunately, limited by its ability. Truant makes it so Slaking can only attack every other turn.

What do the stats mean in Pokémon Emerald?

Statistics, also known as Stats for short, are values that apply to a Pokémon’s abilities in battle. These values determine such factors as: damage given, damage received, which Pokémon acts first, etc. Most stats are affected by the individual Pokémon and their level, while others are exclusive to battle and moves.

What are the best stats for a Pokémon?

The Best Pokemon Of Each Stat, Ranked

  • Arguably the most well-known for being the best at a certain stat, Blissey boasts the highest HP stat in the game at 255.
  • Barring any Mega Evolutions, Kartana scrapes its way to the top spot for best Attack stat at 181.

What is the weakest Pokemon in Emerald?

Plusle is clearly the weakest of the two, with no defining stats or moves that make it rise above its competition.

What’s the strongest non Legendary Pokémon?

Pokemon: The Strongest Non-Legendary Of Each Generation (Based On Stats)

  • 8 Dragonite.
  • 7 Tyranitar.
  • 6 Slaking.
  • 5 Garchomp.
  • 4 Hydreigon.
  • 3 Goodra.
  • 2 Wishiwashi (School Form)
  • 1 Dragapult.

How do the stats work in Pokémon?

When a Pokémon grows a level, its stats will increase. For each level gained (ignoring Nature), stats will increase by 1/50 the base stat value, and 1/100 the combined individual value and effort value.

How many stages can you raise a stat?

six stages
Base Stats can be increased or decreased a max of six stages with stat altering moves. Some stat changing moves can alter a Pokemon’s stats two stages at a time, meaning they only have to be used three times instead of six. The following tables showcase the Increases and Decreases made to Base Stats.

How do I know if my Pokémon has good IVs in Emerald?

In Emerald, you can check your IVs by speaking to a man who lives in a house just above the Pokémon Center of the Battle Frontier. He will give you an overall judgment of all the IVs and the best IV of one of your Pokémon.

What is the strongest Pokemon stat?

1 Arceus (720) Its 720 base stat total is also perfectly distributed between the six stat categories, so the Pokemon has no major weaknesses either.

What is the best starter Pokemon in emerald?

Mudkip’s fantastic offensive typing, mixed offensive and defensive stats, and powerful movepool make it a clear choice for our top ranking. Early game usefulness is key for a starter, and Mudkip enjoys overwhelming type advantages against the first, third, and fourth Gyms.