Which state has 90% area of forest coverage?

The Union Territory of Lakshadweep has the highest forest cover of 90.33% . Among states, Mizoram has the highest forest cover of 85.41%.

Which state has 80% area under forest cover?

Arunachal Pradesh is forested in 80.30% area, whereas in Kerala 49.50%, in Madhya Pradesh 25.13% and in West Bengal, mare 18.96% area is forested.

Which state has highest forest percentage?

In terms of forest cover as percentage of total geographical area, the top five States are Mizoram (84.53%), Arunachal Pradesh (79.33%), Meghalaya (76.00%), Manipur (74.34%) and Nagaland (73.90%). 17 states/UT’s have above 33 percent of the geographical area under forest cover.

Which is the largest forest in Arunachal Pradesh?

Namdapha National Park is a 1,985 km2 (766 sq mi) large protected area in Arunachal Pradesh of Northeast India.

Which state has largest forest area in India 2021?

The states from the North eastern region of the country have the highest percentage of forest cover w.r.t. total geographical area of the state. Mizoram (84.53%) > Arunachal Pradesh (79.33%) > Meghalaya (76.00%) > Manipur (74.34%) > Nagaland (73.90%).

Which state has largest forest area?

Madhya Pradesh
Area-wise, Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest cover in the country followed by Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Maharashtra.

Which state has lowest percentage of forest?

In 2017, Haryana had the lowest forest cover with respect to total geographical area in India at 6.79 percent. Trailing closely behind was the state of Punjab with 6.87 percent tree cover. Both Haryana and Punjab are located in the northern part of India.

What is the percentage of forest in Andhra Pradesh?

The State has reported extent of recorded forest area (RFA) 37,258 sq km which is 22.86 % of its geographical area.

How many forest are there in Arunachal Pradesh?

As per the Champion & Seth Classification of Forest Types (1968), the forests in Arunachal Pradesh belong to 11 Type Groups which are further divided into 23 different Forest Types.

Which State has largest forest area in India 2021?

Which tree is king of the forest?

The Banyan, Ficus benghalensis The mighty banyan is the national tree of India and has been called the king of the forest for centuries throughout Southeast Asia.

Is Arunachal Pradesh’s forest cover decreasing?

NEW DELHI, Feb 12: Though India’s tree and forest cover has registered an increase of one per cent, or 8,021 sq km, in two years since 2015, there has been a substantial decrease in Arunachal Pradesh’ forest cover during that period, according to the latest assessment by the government.

What is the population of Arunachal Pradesh in square miles?

Area 32,333 square miles (83,743 square km). Pop. (2011) 1,382,611. Most of Arunachal Pradesh’s terrain consists of deep valleys flanked by highland plateaus and ridges that rise to the peaks of the Great Himalayas.

What kind of vegetation is found in Arunachal Pradesh?

Subalpine and alpine vegetation, with rhododendrons predominating, appears on the higher slopes. A great variety of medicinal plants, including ginseng and yew, also grow in Arunachal Pradesh, and they are used by much of the population for the treatment and cure of various ailments.

What is Arunachal Pradesh famous for?

Arunachal Pradesh offers numerous parks, gardens, wildlife sanctuaries, and other natural settings for outdoor recreation. Bhalukpung and Tipi, both in the southwest, and Bomdila all are noted for their abundant flora, especially orchids.