Who owns Cottrell?

Markel Corp.
Publicly-held insurer Markel Corp. bought Cottrell for $130 million in 2014.

What does Cottrell make?

Founded in 1975, Cottrell is a privately owned manufacturer that makes trailers used to transport automobiles.

What is Cottrell?

Definition of Cottrell process : electrostatic precipitation in which both the charging and precipitation are carried out in a single piece of equipment.

What nationality is the last name Cottrell?

Cottrell Name Meaning French and English: status name for a cottager, from Old French coterel, a diminutive of cotier ‘cottager’ (see Cotter 2).

What is Cottrell smoke?

Smoke is a colloidal solution of carbon, arsenic compounds, dust etc in air, These carbon particles are precipitated in direct contact with oppositely charged metallic plates for separation in smoke and the gases which evolved from the chimney are smokeless. This precipitation is called Cottrell smoke precipitator.

What is Cottrell smoke precipitator?

Why Cottrell precipitator is used in chimney?

Cottrell’s smoke precipitator, neutralises the charge on unburnt carbon particles, coming out of chimney and they get precipitated and settle down at the floor of the chamber.

What is Cottrell electrical precipitator?

An electrostatic device whereby negatively charged dust or fume particles are attracted to a positively charged wire electrode enclosed in a flue, the walls of which act as the other electrode.

What is the basic principle of Cottrell precipitator?

the neutralisation of charge on colloidal particles
In Cottnell’s precipitator, the charged particles are attracted towards the walls of precipitator, here they lose their charge and coagulate. Hence, the basic principle of Cottnell’s precipitator is the neutralisation of charge on colloidal particles.

What are Cottrell precipitator give their applications?

An electrostatic device whereby negatively charged dust or fume particles are attracted to a positively charged wire electrode enclosed in a flue, the walls of which act as the other electrode. Widely used for treating sulfuric acid mist, cement mill dust, power-plant fly ash, metallurgical fumes, etc.

What are Cottrell precipitator give their application?