What DEFCON is the military at?

The DEFCON system prescribes graduated levels of readiness and states of alert and increases from levels of least to most severe. As of this moment our current military status is DEFCON 4.

Is the military at DEFCON 1?

DEFCON 1 refers to maximum military readiness — it is thought that forces with a DEFCON level of 1 are kept ready for immediate action at all times. DEFCON 1 is reserved for the absolute most dangerous, severe situations, including imminent or ongoing nuclear war involving the US or one of its allies.

Has the US ever been in DEFCON 1?

Have we ever gone to DEFCON 1? Nope, but we came pretty close. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, U.S. Strategic Air Command was placed at DEFCON 2 while the rest of the military was at DEFCON 3.

Do they still use DEFCON?

In general, there is no single DEFCON status for the world or country and it may be set to only include specific geographical areas. According to Air & Space/Smithsonian, as of 2014, the worldwide DEFCON level has never been more severe than DEFCON 3.

Is US at DEFCON 3?

The Current DEFCON Level in the U.S. Today Due to the uncertainty at the Ukraine border and the tensions between Russia and NATO, the DEFCON in the United States is at DEFCON 3 as of March 1, 2022.

Does DEFCON still exist?

Are we on DEFCON 3?

Are we at DEFCON 3 now?

How does DEFCON work?

Defense Ready Condition (DEFCON) Levels are a way of identifying the current threat level faced by the Department of Defense and the United States military. These levels, on a scale from one to five, indicate the highest level of threat and readiness for it to the lowest level of preparedness required for peacetime.

When did the US go to DEFCON 3?

Late on the night of October 24, 1973, a national security team in the Nixon administration authorized a DEFCON 3 alert for U.S. forces worldwide.