How long is a palace front commitment?
How long is a palace front commitment?
Typically, enlisted airmen switching to the Reserve as part of Palace Chase must serve two years for every year they have left on active duty, and officers must serve three years. But under the Air Force’s expanded program, eligible airmen will only have to serve one year for every year of service left.
What is Palace Chase and Palace Front?
Palace Chase and Palace Front are both programs offered to active-duty officers and enlisted members, giving them the opportunity to transfer from active duty to an Air Reserve Component.
Can a career airman Palace Chase?
If you are in a career field that is currently overmanned, you probably have a fair shot at getting Palace Chase approved. If you are in a critically manned career field, do not be surprised if you do not have any luck with getting your application approved.
Can you Palace Chase while deployed?
A: Yes, if selected, you must work with your In-Service Recruiter (ISR) to submit a waiver request. Q-10: Can I apply for an MVA while I am deployed? A: Yes, all members can apply, however, RegAF members cannot apply for Palace Chase, Palace Front or a Date of Separation while deployed.
When can you start Palace front?
Unlike the Palace Chase, the Palace Front is an option for separating airmen who are within 180 days of their separation date. Palace Front is when the active duty member serves all the way to the end of their active duty service commitment, and then wants to transition to the guard or reserve.
How long are Air National Guard contracts?
What is my commitment to the Air National Guard as an officer? You will be appointed for a four-year initial contract. After that, there are a variety of options available to you.
What is the difference between Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve?
However, unlike the Air Force Reserve, the Air National Guard carries out both federal and state missions. The Air Force Reserve operates part-time and full-time under the command of the President of the United States. Both comprise of Citizen Airmen but the main difference lies in who they report to.
What happens when you Palace Chase?
With the Palace Chase program, once you’ve completed at least half of your original contract (two-thirds for officers), you can transition directly from the Air Force to the Air Guard before your Expiration of Term of Service (ETS).
Is it easy to Palace Chase?
To be eligible for Palace Chase, enlisted airmen must be at least halfway through their first enlistment. Officers must be two-thirds of the way through all of their remaining Active Duty Service Commitments (ADSC).
Can you serve in the Air Force for 2 years?
Two years is the shortest amount of time a new enlistee can sign up for active duty, however, there is a catch. You actually have an eight-year commitment but you can perform this commitment as an active duty member, a Reservist, or Individual Ready Reservist (IRR).
How long is Palace Chase?
Question – How long does it take for a PALACE CHASE application to be approved? Answer – It normally takes 6-8 weeks from the time you turn in your application until you or the In-Service Recruiter receives notification from AFPC that you have been TENTATIVELY Approved / Disapproved.
Can you go from Air National Guard to Air Force?
With very few exceptions (mostly for medical professionals), one cannot simply transfer from the Reserves/Guard to active duty. One must get an approved discharge from the Reserve/Guard component and then separately process for enlistment (or commission) for an active duty service.