Is there gadgets for Windows 10?

Gadgets aren’t available anymore. Instead, Windows 10 now comes with lots of apps that do many of the same things and much more. You can get more apps for everything from games to calendars. Some apps are better versions of the gadgets you love, and many of them are free.

What are gadgets name some gadgets of Windows?

Desktop Gadgets have been replaced by Windows 10 Taskbar Widgets….Windows Desktop Gadgets.

Windows Vista’s sidebar, showing analog clock, picture slideshow, and current weather of Redmond, WA.
Developer(s) Microsoft
Included with Windows Vista Windows 7
Predecessor Active Desktop
Successor Start screen in Windows 8

Where do I find gadgets in Windows 10?

There are no gadgets in Windows 10. You can right click on it’s dock at the right side of screen to close it so the gadgets are free-floating. They are then available to change or add new ones by right clicking the Desktop.

Why were Windows gadgets discontinued?

According to Microsoft, Gadgets were discontinued because they have “serious vulnerabilities”, “could be exploited to harm your computer, access your computer’s files, show you objectionable content, or change their behavior at any time”; and “an attacker could even use a gadget to take complete control of your PC”.

What are the Windows 7 gadgets?

20 useful gadgets for Windows 7

  • Q’s Drive Info: Download.
  • Alarm Clock: Download.
  • iPhone Battery Meter: Download.
  • System Volume: Download.
  • Network meter: Download.
  • Launch Control: Download.
  • Search Google , Bing, Yahoo: Download.
  • Auto Shutdown: Download.

How do I download widgets for Windows 10?

Although removed from Windows 8 and 10, the Desktop Gadgets can be added back to the Windows 8 and 10 using the unofficial GadgetsRevived. Download GadgetsRevived click (here). A zip file, will be downloaded. Extract the zip file and run the installer file.

How do I add a clock to Windows 10?

To Adjust the Date / Time in Windows

  1. Right click the time and date, in the bottom right corner and select Adjust Date and Time.
  2. Scroll down to Related Settings, and select Add clocks for different time zones.
  3. Under the Additional Clocks tab, check the box next to Show this clock.
  4. Click Apply if finished.