What does the Brock Group do?
What does the Brock Group do?
The Brock Group is a leading provider of industrial specialty services to clients around the world, with headquarters in Houston, TX, and operating units in Canada, the United States and Latin America.
Who owns the Brock Group?
NEW YORK, Oct. 30, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — American Industrial Partners (AIP) announced today that it has acquired majority ownership of The Brock Group, a Houston-based provider of mission-critical services to the refining, petrochemical, power generation and other industries.
How many employees does Brock Group have?
More than 13,000 employees, in 400+ facilities, providing solutions that our customers can count on.
What does Brock mean?
Meaning:badger-like. Brock as a boy’s name is pronounced brahk. It is of Middle English, Old English and Celtic origin, and the meaning of Brock is “badger-like”.
Why is it called Brock?
Brock comes from the Olde English brocc meaning “badger” – ultimately an ancient Celtic loanword meaning the same (Gaelic: broc; Scottish: brock; Welsh: broch).
What nationality is last name Brock?
BROCK. English, Scottish, and North German: variant of Brook . English and Scandinavian: nickname for a person supposedly resembling a badger, from Middle English brok(ke) ‘badger’ (Old English brocc) and Danish brok (a word of Celtic origin; compare Welsh broch, Cornish brogh, Irish broc).
What does Brock stand for?
Meaning and Origin of: Brock English, Scottish, and Scandinavian : nickname for a person supposedly resembling a badger, Middle English broc(k) (Old English brocc) and Danish brok (a word of Celtic origin; compare Welsh broch, Cornish brogh, Irishbroc). In the Middle Ages badgers were regarded as unpleasant creatures.
What does Brock mean in German?
South German: nickname for a stout and strong man from Middle High German brocke ‘lump, piece’.
Is the last name Brock German?
Brock is an English and German surname.
How rare is the name Brock?
The name Brock is boy’s name of English origin meaning “badger”. Brock is a rock solid name, with a touch of preppy sophistication. It ranked solidly in the 200s-300s from 1975 until 2014, but has since tumbled a bit.
What nationality is Brock?
Where does the name Brock derive from?