What type of figurative language is used in the excerpt Marigolds?
What type of figurative language is used in the excerpt Marigolds?
Due to the fact that the comparison is using the words “like” or “as”, this piece of figurative language is a simile.
What literary devices are used in Marigolds?
There were many examples of figurative language used throughout Marigolds, in addition to the metaphors we recently explained. The examples of imagery, foreshawdowing, similes, metaphors,and allusions are clearly evident during the short story. “I know that that moment marked the end of innocence.
What is a personification in Marigolds?
Personification. “My father whittled toys for us, and laughed so loud that the great oak seemed to laugh with him” Allusion. ” was running as if the furies were after me, as perhaps they were- running silently and furiously..” Main characters.
What do they Marigolds symbolize or mean in the story?
Theme Of Beauty In Eugenia Collier’s The Marigold Lottie’s flowers were also a symbol of beauty to all of the ugliness around her it helped her believe that there was hope and even though everything was ugly around them something could be beautiful.
How is imagery used in marigolds?
“Marigolds” by Eugenia Collier conveys imagery by contrasting hope in dark times through yellow, hopeful, marigolds against a decaying, rotting, town.
What are the types of figurative language?
Understanding the Concept of Figurative Language While there are 12 common types, the five main branches of the figurative tree include metaphors, similes, personification, hyperbole, and symbolism. One of the best ways to understand the concept of figurative language is to see it in action.
What is the imagery in Marigolds?
What is the irony in Marigolds?
A third technique the author uses is situational irony. For example, at the end of the story, the narrator says, “And I too have planted marigolds” (84). This shows the theme because it shows the author has gained compassion and learned to love the marigolds that she originally hated, which is situationally ironic.
How is imagery used in Marigolds?
What is the irony in marigolds?
What do Miss Lottie and her marigolds symbolize to the narrator?
Miss Lottie and her marigolds symbolize to the narrator the little amount of happiness left in Miss Lottie’s life. the theme? The theme of this story is the ability to understand and see other people fully human as the beginning of maturity into adulthood.