What is question 2 on the impossible Quiz?

The answer is “No, but a tin can!”, because the “match box” in “Can a match box?” is meant to be read as a single word, “matchbox”. The answer does the same thing, stating that the match can’t box, but rather the “tin can” (as in a steel can). This question also appeared as the second one of the full Impossible Quiz.

What is the answer to 52 on the impossible Quiz 2?

Question 52 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains nothing but a single, dusty, golden genie lamp. There is no task or bomb on screen, and there are no other interactive objects on the screen, so you don’t have to worry about losing lives here since it’s a safe question.

What is the answer to 33 on the impossible Quiz 2?

Question 33 from The Impossible Quiz asks “How many letters in his hand?”, and next to it there’s a drawing of a cut-off hand holding nine letters. The choices are all four numbers from 7 to 10. The answer is “7” because the question is asking how many letters are in the words “His hand”.

What is the answer to the impossible quiz 2 number 10?

The words “a penguin?” are still a pickable object, though this time there’s only a time rift underneath; clicking it will take a life away from you, since the correct answer is “It blows your hand off”, a modified version of the second option of the original.

What’s the answer to 52 on the impossible Quiz?

The answer in this case is “Hello Score”, since Splapp-Me-Do is greeting the Score, so you should be polite as well and greet it by saying “Hello”!

How do you skip on the impossible Quiz 2?

Doing the following tasks will reward you with Skips.

  1. Answering Question 10.
  2. Answering Question 20.
  3. Answering Question 35.
  4. Answering Question 55.
  5. Answering Question 75.
  6. Picking up the two remaining Skips from the space mini-game of Question 84, which will fly across the screen on determinate moments.

What is the answer to question 34 on the impossible quiz 2?

The only two clickable objects in this question are the word “this” in the task and the “Death” button below the task. What the question is telling you is absolutely true: if you happen to press the word “this” in the task, you will indeed get an instant Game Over.

What is the answer to number 11 on the impossible quiz 2?

The key is located at the end of the left path, and you must pick it up by clicking it and holding the left mouse button, before moving on to the right pathway, where there’s a small keyhole.