What is nasal septal hematoma?
What is nasal septal hematoma?
A nasal septal hematoma is a collection of blood within the septum of the nose. The septum is the part of the nose between the nostrils. An injury disrupts the blood vessels so that fluid and blood may collect under the lining.
What is septal hematoma formation?
A septal hematoma is when blood collects in the area of your nose between your nostrils, called the septum. Usually some kind of injury disrupts the blood vessels and pulls the lining away from the cartilage, allowing blood to collect between the two.
How is septal hematoma diagnosis?
A septal hematoma can usually be diagnosed by inspecting the septum with a nasal speculum or an otoscope. Asymmetry of the septum with a bluish or reddish fluctuance may suggest a hematoma. Direct palpation may also be necessary, as newly formed hematomas may not be ecchymotic.
What is nasal septal perforation?
Nasal septal perforation is a full-thickness defect of the nasal septum. Bilateral mucoperichondrial leaflets and a structural middle layer comprise the three-layer divider between the right and left nasal cavities. Septal perforation occurs most commonly along the anterior cartilaginous septum.
What is septal swelling?
The midline swelling of the septum is typical of septal hematoma and is consistent with the patient’s history of facial trauma. Typically soft and fluctuant when compressed, a septal hematoma is a collection of blood between the nasal mucosa and the cartilaginous septum.
What causes nasal septal abscess?
Traditionally, nasal septal abscesses are the result of traumatic facial injuries with 75% occurring as a direct complication of nasal trauma. Nearby extension of a dental or sinonasal infection is the second most common cause.
What are hematoma symptoms?
Pain, swelling, redness, and disfiguring bruises are common symptoms of hematoma in general. Some symptoms specific to the location of a hematoma are: Subdural hematoma symptoms: headache, neurologic problems (weakness on one side, difficulty speaking, falling), confusion, seizures.
What causes nasal septal perforation?
Causes of Septal Perforation A hole or perforation of your nasal septum can occur as an unwanted result of previous nasal surgery, a chemical insult to the membranes, or from a nasal fracture or other nose injury. The long term use of certain steroid or other nose sprays has even been linked to this problem.
How is septal perforation diagnosed?
examination of the outside of your nose. one or more procedures to examine the inside your nose, including rhinoscopy, nasal endoscopy, or palpation of the septum. biopsy of the perforation. possible laboratory testing, especially if a medical cause is suspected.
How do you fix a septal hematoma?
Treatment of septal hematoma is performed via small incisions through the mucoperichondrium to evacuate the blood. After the drainage the nose is packed or quilting stitches are put in. Silicone stents can also be used to prevent re-accumulation of the hematoma.
What is abscess or Haematoma?
Nasal septal hematoma/abscess is a collection of blood/pus between the cartilaginous or bony septum and its adjoining mucoperichondrium or mucoperiosteum. This is commonly caused by trauma.