Which education journal has the highest impact factor?
Which education journal has the highest impact factor?
Review of Educational Research
Title | SJR | |
1 | Review of Educational Research | 6.887 Q1 |
2 | Internet and Higher Education | 3.906 Q1 |
3 | Computers and Education | 3.676 Q1 |
4 | Developmental Review | 3.485 Q1 |
Is Scopus a Ssci?
This consists of the SSCI (Social Science Citation Index), the SCI (Science Citation Index), and the A&HCI (Arts and Humanities Citation Index). Altogether, these indices comprise several thousand international journals. The second tier international and regional journals are indexed by Elsevier Scopus (Scopus index).
What is a good impact factor for an educational journal?
In most fields of study a JIF of 10 or greater is excellent and in many anything over a JIF of 3 is considered good, but it is essential to remember that JCR impact factors for journals vary markedly across disciplines.
Which is better Ssci or Scopus?
Elsevier’s Scopus-indexed journals are slightly weaker than SCI-indexed journals in terms of quality and relevance. The reason being SCI indexing database upholds the greater value of the journals when it comes to authenticity, quality, novelty, and relevance to the academe.
What is scientific index?
The AD Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index), unlike other systems that provide evaluations of journals and universities, is a ranking and analysis system based on the scientific performance and the added value of the scientific productivity of individual scientists.
Is ERIC a good database?
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it is an essential tool for education researchers of all kinds.
Are ERIC and ebsco the same?
Jun 02, 2020 1396. The difference between the two versions of ERIC is that EBSCO coordinates what they display with PITTCat, so when an article cited in ERIC is from a journal the library subscribes to, you will see a PDF or html link.
How do you find academic journals?
Finding Scholarly Articles
- Look for publications from a professional organization.
- Use databases such as JSTOR that contain only scholarly sources.
- Use databases such as Academic Search Complete or other EBSCO databases that allow you to choose “peer-reviewed journals”.