How much does fire retardant plywood cost?

3/8″x4x8 CDX PLYWOOD 3/4″x4x8 CDX T&G PLYWOOD 5/8″x4x8 CDX PLYWOOD
Sale Price: $29.95 Add Sale Price: $66.95 Add Sale Price: $44.95 Add
1/2″x4x8 FIRE RETARDANT PLYWOOD ( fire treated ) 1/2″x4x8 CDX PLYWOOD 4-ply 5/8″x4x8 FIRE RETARDANT PLYWOOD
PRICE: $62.49 Add Sale Price: $37.95 Add PRICE: $74.95 Add

Is there a fire rated plywood?

Fire-rated plywood is available from general home improvement stores and lumber suppliers throughout the nation. Regardless of where you choose to purchase it, it is essential to look for the official stamp to ensure you are getting genuine fire-rated plywood that has passed the relevant tests.

Is exposure 1 plywood fire rated?

15/32″ x 4′ Treated Plywood Exposure 1 Rated Fire Retardant 4-Ply | FR1532CDX | Build With BMC.

What is fire rated plywood called?

Class A is the most desirable category for fire-rated plywood as it indicates a flame spread index of 25 or less. For fire-retardant wood to be substituted for a noncombustible material, it is required to have a Class A rating. Inorganic materials like tile and brick also fall under the Class A category.

What type of plywood is fire resistant?

A lightweight, total wood product with advanced fire retardancy. It is ready to use in building projects upon delivery, no other fire treating is required.

What is Exposure 1 plywood mean?

Exposure 1 rated sheathings, either OSB or Plywood, have a fully waterproof bond and are designed for applications where construction delays may be expected prior to providing protection. Exposure 1 rated sheathings are made with the same exterior adhesives used in Exterior rated sheathings.

What is the difference between ps1 and ps2 plywood?

PS 1, Structural Plywood, establishes requirements for structural plywood. PS 2, Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels, establishes requirements for structural wood-based panels such as oriented strand board (OSB), waferboard and certain types of plywood.

What is the difference between Class 1 and Class 0 fire rating?

The index ratings do not equate to exact temperatures but are within the specified guidelines. To Summarise: Class 1 – Protects your surface from the spread of flames. Class 0 – Protects your surface from the spread of flames AND limits the amount of heat released from the surface during a fire.