How much is a Saint Bernard puppy cost?

The average cost of a Saint Bernard puppy is currently around $1000-$1500 in the US, but they can cost anywhere from $550 to $2000. However, budding buyers should know that a bigger price tag doesn’t necessarily mean better quality of care.

How much does a St Bernard Cost UK?

Having a Saint Bernard will cost a minimum of £105 per month after purchase and set-up costs and up to £17,000 across their lifetime.

What is the average price of a Saint Bernard?

Saint Bernard Costing an average of $1,500 to buy, the calm and patient temperament of the Saint Bernard makes it ideal for families or as a show dog. Grooming fees for this giant breed generally run around $65, and its life expectancy ranges from eight to 10 years.

Is a St Bernard a good first dog?

No. However, while this lovable giant can be a fantastic addition to a family, he can also be very stubborn, and without proper socialization early on (and we do mean early, because, sadly, Saint Bernards usually live only seven to 10 years), he can develop temperament issues.

Is a St Bernard a good family dog?

Known to be loving, gentle and tolerant in spite of its size, Saint Bernards are a good with families with well-behaved children. In addition, they are eager to please, making training easier.

How long can you leave a St Bernard alone?

St. Bernards are laid-back dogs who take time alone in stride—you can leave your St. Bernard alone for half a workday without worry. But if you must leave her alone for longer than that, arrange for a neighbor or dog walker come and take her out for exercise.

Are St Bernards good family dogs?

Because they are so friendly, gentle and tolerant, Saints can be especially good for families with well-behaved children. Known to be exceptionally understanding and patient, Saints are careful not to injure a child. These dogs are eager to please, which can make training easier than with other breeds.