How do you get chests in Monstro?

Try not to fall or break both of the barrels. Use one of the barrels to reach a platform above you. It has a Chest with Dalmatians 55, 56 and 57 inside. From here you can jump across the gap to a Chest with an Osmose-G and use the barrel on this side to reach the Chest that’s higher up, it has a Flare-G inside.

Is there a keyhole for Monstro?

Although Monstro is considered a world, it lacks a Keyhole, and its mobile nature means that Sora and his friends cannot always reach it whenever they try.

How do I get to the top of the ship in Monstro?

After you’ve nabbed all the goodies head for the door that’s above the Chamber 1 door you originally went into. It’s called the Throat. Simply fight through the Heartless and climb your way to the top to enter the Stomach and prepare for a Boss Fight.

What do I do after Monstro in Kingdom Hearts?

After more nefarious doings from Maleficent, Monstro spits the party back out near Agrabah. At this point, it’s possible to head back to Olympus for another tournament, but to continue the quest, go back around to the other world on the second ring, away from Monstro.

What happens when Sora seals a keyhole?

Sora sealed the Keyhole and then followed Ansem to the End of the World, a place formed from the remains of worlds taken by the Heartless. Deep in the darkness of that place lay the Door to Darkness, with Kingdom Hearts lying beyond it.

Does Monstro have a Keyblade?

“Obtained in Monstro. Not very powerful, but very easy to handle.” “A Keyblade that is capable of swift strikes. Its powers will automatically keep you safe.”

Is there a white Trinity in Monstro?

White: Trinity Touch — the party touches weapons, and something appears. Earned after the first battle with Riku in the Hollow Bastion….Traverse Town.

Color Area Location
Red Second District Atop the Gizmo Shop
Green Cid’s Accessory Shop
Yellow Behind Merlin’s House
White In the Secret Waterway

How do you get the White Trinity in Kingdom Hearts?

TLDR; Question: How do you get White Trinity in Kingdom Hearts 1.5? Answer: You’ll have to follow the story until near the end of the game, when you get to Hollow Bastion and beat a particular boss. It’s story-related, and once beaten you’ll automatically get White Trinity.