What is Lomonosov famous for?

Scientist of the Day – Mikhail Lomonosov Lomonosov was the first native Russian to be appointed to the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg in 1742 (all previous members had been imported luminaries from Germany, France, or Switzerland). He is best known for his observations of the transit of Venus.

What did Lomonosov discover?

the atmosphere of Venus
Lomonosov was the first to discover and appreciate the atmosphere of Venus during his observation of the transit of Venus of 1761 in a small observatory near his house in St Petersburg.

What does Lomonosov mean?

Lomonosov (Russian: Ломоно́сов; before 1948: Oranienbaum, Ораниенба́ум) is a municipal town in Petrodvortsovy District of the federal city of Saint Petersburg, Russia, located on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, 40 kilometers (25 mi) west of Saint Petersburg proper.

Who discovered the atmosphere of Venus?

astronomer M. V. Lomonosov
In the middle of the 18th century, during the observation of the transit of Venus of 1761, the astronomer M. V. Lomonosov (portrait) reported the presence of a halo which he attributed to the existence of an atmosphere around Venus.

Can you breathe on Venus?

The atmosphere of Venus is very hot and thick. You would not survive a visit to the surface of the planet – you couldn’t breathe the air, you would be crushed by the enormous weight of the atmosphere, and you would burn up in surface temperatures high enough to melt lead.

Is Earth the 5th largest planet?

While Earth is only the fifth largest planet in the solar system, it is the only world in our solar system with liquid water on the surface. Just slightly larger than nearby Venus, Earth is the biggest of the four planets closest to the Sun, all of which are made of rock and metal.

What is diamond rain?

The long chains then squeeze together to form crystalline patterns like diamonds. The dense diamond formations then drop through the layers of the mantle until it gets too hot, where they vaporize and float back up and repeat the cycle — hence the term “diamond rain.”

Does Earth have wind?

The Earth contains five major wind zones: polar easterlies, westerlies, horse latitudes, trade winds, and the doldrums. Polar easterlies are dry, cold prevailing winds that blow from the east. They emanate from the polar highs, areas of high pressure around the North and South Poles.

Who Named the Earth?

All of the planets, except for Earth, were named after Greek and Roman gods and godesses. The name Earth is an English/German name which simply means the ground. It comes from the Old English words ‘eor(th)e’ and ‘ertha’. In German it is ‘erde’.