How do I install play framework?
How do I install play framework?
Installing Play 2.0
- Prerequisites. To run the Play framework, you need JDK 6 or later.
- Download the binary package. Download the Play 2.0 binary package and extract the archive to a location where you have both read and write access.
- Add the play script to your PATH.
- Check that the play command is available.
How do I run a play framework in eclipse?
3 Answers
- Download and install Eclipse.
- Create a new Play project. When asked, select the Java language: $ play new myapp.
- Change to the new application’s directory: $ cd myapp.
- Generate the Eclipse project:
- Import the project into your Eclipse Workspace with File | Import | General | Existing Projects into Workspace .
What is Activator in play framework?
The activator command can be used to create a new Play application. Activator allows you to select a template that your new application should be based off. For vanilla Play projects, the names of these templates are play-scala for Scala based Play applications, and play-java for Java based Play applications.
What is play framework in Java?
Play is a high-productivity web application framework for programming languages whose code is compiled and run on the JVM, mainly Java and Scala. It integrates the components and APIs we need for modern web application development.
How can I download Scala plugin in IntelliJ?
To install Scala plugin, press Ctrl+Alt+S , open the Plugins page, browse repositories to locate the Scala plugin, click Install and restart IntelliJ IDEA.
How do I install activator play?
Installing Play
- Prerequisites. To run the Play framework, you need JDK 6 or later.
- Install Activator. Play is distributed through a tool called Typesafe Activator.
- Add the activator script to your PATH.
- Check that the activator command is available.
How does play framework work?
The Play framework is a web framework for the JVM that breaks away from the Servlet Specification. Play embraces a fully reactive programming model through the use of futures for asynchronous programming, work stealing for maximizing available threads, and Akka for distribution of work.
Which IDEs can be used for play applications?
7 Best IDEs for Mobile App Development
- Android Studio.
- Qt IDE.
- Xcode.
- Eclipse IDE.
- JetBrains Rider.
- Visual Studio Code.
- DroidScript.