What is Diatropic?

a response of plants or parts of plants to an external stimulus by growing at right angles to the direction of the stimulus.

What is ring current in chemistry?

When an aromatic ring is placed in an external magnetic field, it positions itself so that it is perpendicular to the external magnetic field, and the conjugated pi electron system in the ring is induced to move in a specific manner within and around the ring. This movement of pi electrons is known as the ring current.

What is NICS value?

The NICS value is defined as the negative of the absolute shielding. Generally, NICS > 0 indicates a paratropic current, and NICS < 0 indicates a diatropic current.

What is aromaticity in organic chemistry?

In the field of organic chemistry, aromaticity is a property of cyclic and planar molecules having resonance bonds exhibiting more stability than the connective or geometric arrangements within the same kind of atoms.

How does aromatic ring current work?

An aromatic ring current is an effect observed in aromatic molecules such as benzene and naphthalene. If a magnetic field is directed perpendicular to the plane of the aromatic system, a ring current is induced in the delocalized π electrons of the aromatic ring.

What is ring current in NMR?

What are the four rules of aromaticity?

An aromatic must follow four basic criteria: it must be a ring planar, have a continuous chain of unhybridized p orbitals (a series of sp2-hybridized atoms forming a conjugated system), and have an odd number of delocalized electron pairs in the system.

Why is aromaticity important?

Aromaticity is important because it makes molecules more stable. Aromatic compounds play important roles in biochemistry and in industry. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Four of them — histidine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan — are aromatic.

Are all aromatic compounds diamagnetic?

We have seen in post 130 , that aromatic compounds do not have unpaired electrons. Thus, the ring current they produce is diamagnetic. In contrast to this, anti-aromatic compounds have unpaired electrons( see post 130) . So, they exhibit a paramagnetic ring current.

How is NMR spectroscopy helpful in detection of aromaticity?

NMR serves as a useful tool to determine whether a compound is aromatic. For example, the protons in cyclooctatetraene (C8H8), which is shown below, appear at 5.78 ppm indicating it is in the typical alkene region, not the aromatic region near 7 ppm.