How do you stop an NPC from attacking you in Fallout 4?

Originally posted by Mestaaja: Use “tdetect” to become invisible to npcs, then use “AddToFaction 0001c21c 0” to make the npcs friendly to the player (get the ones inside the ship aswell). After that use “setstage 00022a02 1” and talk to the lookout to get the quest. Should proceed normally from there.

Why are my settlers attacking me Fallout 4?

Your settlement was infiltrated by Synths. If you look where the bang happened you’ll probably find a dead settler who has synth components on them, or if a settler just started randomly shooting then they’re the Synth. I had this happen to me as well, when the Castle was attacked by Super Mutants.

How do you get Preston Garvey to stop attacking me?

When you get someone (or even an entire settlement/town) angry at you, you need to give him some time to cool off. Get away from that location and sleep/wait in a safe spot for at least 48 hours. Once you’ve been away for at least two in-game days you can come back safely.

How do I get diamond city to stop attacking me?


  1. Killing a Diamond City guard will turn all guards hostile.
  2. Outside of Diamond City to the left, there is a terminal towards the baseball statue where the turrets may be deactivated.
  3. Leaving Diamond City for 24 hours or longer will reset all hostile guards in the city.

How do you fix hostile NPCs?

Church of Vows Once there, you will meet a giant turtle named Miriel. Go past them and approach the pool towards the back of the church. A prompt will come up to get absolution. After selecting this, all hostile NPCs will revert to normal, and all killed NPCs will return to their normal place as unhostile.

How do you reset an NPC aggro in Fallout 4?

Type “help aggression 4” it will give you a code for aggression I forget what it is off the top of my head then in the console click on him and type “resetai” and before you leave the console type “setav and the code it gave you for aggression and then 0” then exit the console and the npc should be friendly.

How can you tell if a settler is a synth?

How do you know if a settler is a synth. Save your game and then kill them. If they have a synth chip, they were a synth. Re load the save and send them to some terrible settlement with nobody else.

Do raiders steal from settlements?

No but settlers will take power armor. I repeat Raiders, and Settlers will not take from your item stashes. They both loot corpses though.

How do you pacify enemies in Fallout 4?

Holstering your weapon or leaving and then returning to the area will make all pacified enemies hostile again. This includes using terminals or sitting down. Incited enemies will remain incited after holstering, but will still revert to being hostile if one leaves the area and then returns.

Can Hancock go to Diamond City?

23 Ghouls CAN Enter Diamond City If either John Hancock or Billy Peabody are brought into Diamond City, they won’t be attacked and are very much allowed inside. This is an interesting detail about Diamond City, considering their strict no-Ghouls-allowed attitude.