Is a Legion playthrough fun?

Legion is the best choice for an evil/bad karma playthrough, it’s fun to experience at least once of you normally side with the NCR or Yes Man. If you haven’t, go for it. It’s good to explore the full scope of the story.

How big is Caesar’s Legion?

In the military operations of Lucius Cornelius Sulla and Julius Caesar, a legion was composed of 10 cohorts, with 4 cohorts in the first line and 3 each in the second and third lines. The 3,600 heavy infantry were supported by enough cavalry and light infantry to bring the legion’s strength up to 6,000 men.

What ideology is Caesar’s Legion?

The Legion holds firm to their ideology against drugs and alcohol, punishing those they capture with the illicit substances severely. Anyone outside the Legion ranks or under their rule is considered to be “dissolute” or are called “profligates,” referring to those lacking morals.

How large is the Legion FNV?

The Legion is divided into Cohorts of 480 men, which are divided into: 8 Centuriae of 60 men, each led by a centurion, which divide into: 10 Contubernia, each led by a decanus.

Is Caesar’s Legion evil?

Caesar’s Legion is a texbook example of a lawful evil society. There are laws and norms that are strictly enforced, the purpose of which are to draw power, wealth and influence up the pyramid to the society’s leadership. In this case, that’s Caesar himself. The Legion exists only to serve him, his ends and his will.

Is the Courier a Frumentarii?

Many frumentarii disguise themselves as couriers, to the point that Caesar has forbidden his forces from harming couriers, lest undercover agents be killed by mistake.

Is Caesar’s legion evil?

Does Caesar’s legion use guns?

Yes, they do have guns.

Why Caesar’s Legion is good?

Ceasar’s Legion feels as much like a reactionary cultural movement as a military one. In fact, Cesar’s Legion draws attention to the fact that most of New Vegas’ major players, from the NCR to the Brotherhood of Steel, rely upon appeals to the past despite the terrible destruction it directly led to.

Are the legions bad?

Is Ulysses Legion?

Ulysses is a former Legion frumentarius that later deserted, wanting to start a new life in a prosperous community called ‘The Divide’, believing that it would be his new homeland.

Does Ulysses like the Legion?

However, he still respects the Legion more than the New California Republic: In his opinion, the Legion is far better than the NCR at maintaining an empire and is not at war in itself. Ulysses harbors a lot of hate for the New California Republic.