How do you turn on the heating on a Worcester 24i junior boiler?

Turn the central heating temperature control knob fully clockwise. The burner will light and the red flame detection indicator will light. Set the central heating temperature control knob and the room thermostat, if fitted, to the desired temperature.

Why does my Worcester boiler come on at night?

It’s true that boilers do turn on from time to time during the night. Combi boilers work best when the heat exchanger inside is kept warm, so it will need “topping up” a few times overnight to make sure you have instant hot water when you need it.

What temperature should hot water be set at combi boiler?

60 degrees
To maximise efficiency, we recommend setting your radiator dial to 75 degrees and your hot water to 60 degrees. Once you’ve got your boiler running at the optimal temperature, you’ll want to set the timer for when you need heating the most.

What temperature should my Worcester Greenstar boiler be set at?

The minimum on the dial is 40° the maximum is 60°C The optimum setting is 4 which is 53°C. (located separately from the boiler) Don’t overheat your home – turning down your thermostat by just 1°C can cut your fuel bill by 10% (source: Energy Saving Trust). The thermostat should be set to between 18°C & 21°C.

How do I reset my Worcester 24i boiler?

In the event of a fault, the reset button will flash once per second and the blue mains indicator light will flash. 1. To reset the boiler press the reset button for approximately five seconds. When the boiler resets the reset button will no longer be illuminated.

Why does my boiler keep firing up when heating is off?

Pre-heating You might hear your boiler fire up from time to time, even when the heating is off and you’re not drawing any hot water. This is completely normal, and is there to ensure you have hot water when you turn it on.