How RCPTT works?

RCPTT generates a launch configuration that contains the product to be tested and some control plugins from RCPTT . In addition, the byte code of the application is so instrumented that RCPTT can control the AUT automatically.

What is RCPTT?

RCP Testing Tool is a project for GUI testing automation of Eclipse-based applications. RCPTT is fully aware about Eclipse Platform’s internals, hiding this complexity from end users and allowing QA engineers to create highly reliable UI tests at great pace.

What is RCP tool?

The rich client platform (RCP) is a programmer tool that makes it easier to integrate independent software components, where most of the data processing occurs on the client side.

Is Eclipse a testing tool?

Eclipse RCP Testing Tool allows create and execute test cases for Eclipse-based applications with minimal effort. The minimal required configuration of applications under test is as simple as browsing for a folder for binary AUTs or choosing a PDE launch configuration for AUTs from sources.

What is RCP test?

What is RCP Testing Tool? RCP Testing Tool (RCPTT) is an open-source Eclipse project for UI testing of Eclipse-based applications. It does not test web, Swing or JavaFX. It works only with Eclipse applications, but does it in the best possible way.

Can we automate Eclipse?

Eclipse TEA (Tasking Engine Advanced) TEA is a set of extensions for the Eclipse IDE with the primary goal to automate tasks in a way, so they can be executed both in the IDE as well as in headless environments.

What is a rich client application?

rich client application. [programming] An application that stores and retrieves data locally rather than remotely, enabling easy interaction with other internal resources.

How do I JUnit in Eclipse?


  1. File -> New -> JUnit Test Case. If this option is there, JUnit was included.
  2. Help -> Install New Software. within Eclipse.
  4. Programming Languages -> Eclipse Java Development Tools.
  5. New->JUnit Test Case.
  6. Run -> Run As -> JUnit Test.

How do I run JUnit in Eclipse?

Running tests from within Eclipse

  1. In the Package Explorer, select the test or test suite you want to run.
  2. Select Run > Run…
  3. Choose the “JUnit Plug-in Test” category, and click the button to create a new test.
  4. On the “Main” tab, select the appropriate application for that test.
  5. Click Run.

Why CRP test is done?

A CRP test may be used to find or monitor conditions that cause inflammation. These include: Bacterial infections, such as sepsis, a severe and sometimes life-threatening condition. A fungal infection.

What is meant by fat client?

A thick client (sometimes called a fat client) is a form of client-server architecture. Specifically, it is a networked computer system with most resources installed locally, rather than distributed over a network.