Which is better Torterra Infernape or Empoleon?

Torterra suffers from its terrible Ice weakness while Empoleon practically needs Agility to perform as a sweeper, while Infernape can just jump in at practically any time and obliterate nearly anything. And with all the potential movesets it can run, it’s just a very diverse and fantastic Pokemon.

Who wins Infernape or Empoleon?

From there, the winner is decided by who Infernape attacks, since it can 1-shot both of the other Pokemon, but not simultaneously. If Infernape uses Close Combat on Empoleon, Empoleon will faint and Torterra will KO Infernape with Earthquake and win.

What is Infernapes special move?

The best moves for Infernape are Fire Spin and Blast Burn when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.

Which is better Infernape or blaziken?

Blaziken is more physically inclined while Infernape is both adept at using both physical moves and special moves. Infernape is much faster though. Blaziken has access to a few moves that Infernape can’t learn, such as Reversal, Agility and it has the ability to Baton Pass.

Is Mega Infernape real?

Infernape is a is a dual-type Fire/Fighting Pokémon introduced in the Sinnoh region. It evolves from Monferno starting at level 36. It is the final form of Chimchar. It can Mega Evolve into Mega Infernape using the Infernite….Height.

3’11” 1.2 m
0’0″ 0 m

Is Emboar stronger than Infernape?

Emboar has the best attack (beating out Blaziken by three points), but the worst special attack (100, losing to Infernape by four points). For using the Flame Charge strategy, Emboar is the best at it since it has more bulk and more powerful physical moves to take advantage of.

Is piplup or Chimchar better?

Arguably, Chimchar is the strongest choice of the three starters in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl’s story. Fire- and Fighting-type is an incredibly powerful combination, especially in the late game, where it can singlehandedly demolish most of the Elite 4 and even the Champion.

What is the strongest Gen 4 starter?

Best Gen 4 Starter: Chimchar Despite being weak against all three of Roark’s Pokemon in the Oreburgh City gym, Chimchar is arguably still the best starter Pokemon in gen 4.