Why is IBOutlet weak?
Why is IBOutlet weak?
In Mac development an IBOutlet is usually a weak reference: if you have a subclass of NSViewController only the top-level view will be retained and when you dealloc the controller all its subviews and outlets are freed automatically. UiViewController use Key Value Coding to set the outlets using strong references.
Do IBOutlets need to be weak?
The official answer from Apple is that IBOutlets should be strong. The only case when an IBOutlet should be weak is to avoid a retain cycle. A strong reference cycle can result in memory leaks and app crashes.
What is IBOutlet?
IBOutlet is a keyword which is added to a variable declaration. It’s an indicator. It does not affect the declaration in any way. However, when the Interface Builder sees it, it will allows a programmer to set this variable through the “outlet” mechanism inside Interface Builder.
What does IBOutlet mean in Swift?
IBAction and IBOutlet are interface Builder Constants IBOutlet:A Controller class can refer to the object in the nib file using a special constant called IBOutlet. IBActions:Interface objects in the nib file can be set to trigger specific methods in controller class using IBAction as return type of the method.
Why Iboutlets are forced unwrapped?
The reason many developers are not fond of optionals is because you cannot directly access the value of an optional. To safely access the value of an optional, you need to unwrap it. Optional binding is a construct that lets you safely access the optional’s value.
What is IBAction in Swift?
@IBAction is similar to @IBOutlet , but goes the other way: @IBOutlet is a way of connecting code to storyboard layouts, and @IBAction is a way of making storyboard layouts trigger code. This method takes one parameter, called sender . It’s of type UIButton because we know that’s what will be calling the method.
What is IBOutlet and IBAction?
What is difference between IBOutlet and IBAction in Swift?
An IBOutlet is for hooking up a property to a view when designing your XIB. An IBAction is for hooking a method (action) up to a view when designing your XIB.
Do iboutlets need to be strong?
The current recommended best practice from Apple is for IBOutlets to be strong unless weak is specifically needed to avoid a retain cycle. As Johannes mentioned above, this was commented on in the “Implementing UI Designs in Interface Builder” session from WWDC 2015 where an Apple Engineer said:
When to make an outlet strong or weak?
In general you should make your outlet strong, especially if you are connecting an outlet to a subview or to a constraint that’s not always going to be retained by the view hierarchy.
Should outlets be strong or weak in iOS 14?
Yes, previously outlets should generally be weak but Apple has changed that. Now they recommend to use strong outlets in the WWDC 2015 session Implementing UI Designs in Interface Builder.
Why are my outlets weak by default?
Outlets that you create will therefore typically be weak by default, because: Outlets that you create to, for example, subviews of a view controller’s view or a window controller’s window, are arbitrary references between objects that do not imply ownership.