What kind of rose is double delight?

Hybrid Tea Roses
Rose Double Delight, Rosa ‘Andeli’, Hybrid Tea Roses, Shrub Roses. One of the world’s most famous roses, award-winning Rosa Double Delight is a terrific Hybrid Tea rose with extremely fragrant, very large, up to 5 in. across (12 cm), high-centered flowers.

How tall does double delight rose grow?

4-5′ tall
DOUBLE DELIGHT is a vigorous, bushy, large-flowered hybrid tea rose that typically grows to 4-5′ tall. It is noted for its extremely fragrant flowers that feature creamy white centers with ruby red edging.

How do you take care of a Double Delight rose?

Keep the soil moist to a depth of 18 inches. Water the Double Delight at the soil, not overhead. Protect the Double Delight rose from winter freezes by piling a 10-inch layer of compost and garden soil — in a 2 to 1 ratio — over the rose bush’s crown and bottom branches after the first killing frost.

What color is Double Delight rose?

strawberry red
Double Delight® The large, somewhat informal, old-fashioned, 24-30 petals are of rich, creamy white edged strawberry red.

What does double delight rose smell like?

It has a fruity (citrus), spicy fragrance. I have smelled this rose and I can assure you it is divine. It will flower from mid to late spring (depending on the climate), right through summer and into autumn.

Who bred Double Delight rose?

Swim and Ellis
The Double Delight rose was bred by Swim and Ellis in 1977. The source of the name is not 100% clear. Some believe the “double” part of the name refers to beautiful blooms combined with a delicious, strong scent.

Is Double Delight a climbing rose?

Double Delight is a medium rose with long stems, growing from 3 feet to 5 feet high with a spread of about 2-3 feet. There is also a climbing form. It is a healthy, vigorous, prolific bloomer, never without a flower all season. The intensity of the colour will depend on the climate and its position.

Is Double Delight a repeat bloomer?

Plus, the Double Delight Rose Tree is a repeat bloomer, making it ideal for landscapes and cut flowers alike. You can expect multiple flushes of vibrant blooms, from spring through fall.

Is Double Delight rose grafted?

The enclosed bare-root roses have been packed with care and should arrive to you in good condition. All the roses sold by Garden Express are bud grafted. They are supplied as bare root plants when dormant during the winter months.

What is the most fragrant hybrid tea rose?

An award-winning hybrid tea rose created in 1965, ‘Mister Lincoln’ rose is still a top choice for gardens today. It features rich, velvety-red petals packed with a strong fragrance. Some rose experts say ‘Mister Lincoln’ set the standard for red roses.

What color is the Double Delight rose?

One of the most instantly recognizable Hybrid Teas with creamy white blooms blushed with strawberry red; no two flowers exactly the same. A good variety for bedding with its attractive, bushy growth.