What does it mean to beam a smile?

If you say that someone is beaming, you mean that they have a big smile on their face because they are happy, pleased, or proud about something.

What does ground beam mean?

noun. a reinforced concrete beam for supporting walls, joists, etc., at or near ground level, itself either resting directly upon the ground or supported at both ends by piers. groundsill.

What does a beam mean in slang?

Slang. the measure across both hips or buttocks: broad in the beam.

Does beaming mean happy?

The definition of beaming is sending out a column of light. An example of beaming is the light coming from a flashlight. Smilingly happy; showing happy emotion. Beaming is defined as smiling big because you are so happy.

Why ground beam is important?

The advantages of using ground beams are that they are quicker to install than conventional footings, and allow uncertainties regarding ground conditions to be overcome. They also create a very accurate bearing level, reducing the amount of levelling up that is required prior to starting to build up the superstructure.

Why do we provide ground beam?

A ground beam is constructed at the foundational level of a structure. It helps to support the wall, joist and other structures, especially in places where the soil is not sturdy enough to support the structure. In other words, the ground beam helps to establish a strong foundation to begin construction on.

What does beam up mean?

(science fiction, intransitive) To be teleported, or to teleport oneself, in this manner. (intransitive) To appear suddenly, as if by teleport.

Whats a bean slang?

A bean means ecstasy (MDMA) or a pill.

What is the meaning of beaming eyes?

Definitions of eye-beaming. a radiant glance of the eye. “he pretended profundity by eye-beamings at people” type of: coup d’oeil, glance, glimpse. a quick look.

What is the most beautiful smile?

Anahita Hashemzadeh Look at the way she smiles, making it the world’s most beautiful smile.