What do the serpent emblems unlock?

The emblem can be found at the top of the one on the right. This will unlock the Chris and Leon file.

What do serpent emblems do re6?

According to the Special Collections menu, there are 80 Serpent Emblems to collect in Resident Evil 6. The emblems will unlock files in order in which the emblems appear in a chapter. Emblems also unlock Action Figures. You can use that to “clue” yourself in to where they are.

Which campaign is the best in re6?


  • Chris – It has the best plot and characters.
  • Leon – The first chapter is the best of the entire game, but the campaign after chapter 3 is awfull.
  • Ada – The shortest, but it still had interesting situations with stealth.
  • Jake – Easily the worst campaign.

Where are all serpent emblems re6?

Leon Chapter 1 – Serpent Emblem Locations By the janitor’s closet, inside the small room after meeting Liz’s father. Inside the desk before getting the campus keycard. Under the train after opening the red door, after you’ve dodged 2 trains. On top of a bar table right before the fight at the gas station.

How do you get the bear commander in Jake’s campaign?

If the player misses it on Jake’s campaign, the weapon will still be given to the player by completing Chapter 3, regardless of the rank acquired. Unlike the other assault rifles found in the game, the Bear Commander has an alternate fire mode which triggers an under barrel grenade launcher.

How do you unlock costumes in Resident Evil 6?

All EX1 Costumes are unlocked by playing with the DEFAULT costume of a character in The Mercenaries or The Mercenaries No Mercy and obtaining an “A” or “S” on either SOLO or DUO mode in every version of the game. For example, getting an “A” rank in any map as Leon Scott Kennedy (DEFAULT) will unlock Leon’s EX1 Costume.

Where can I find serpent emblems in Resident Evil 6?

According to the Special Collections menu, there are 80 Serpent Emblems to collect in Resident Evil 6. The emblems will unlock files in order in which the emblems appear in a chapter. Emblems also unlock Action Figures. You can use that to “clue” yourself in to where they are.

What are serpent emblems?

What are Serpent Emblems? Serpent Emblems are special collectibles found within the different chapters of Resident Evil 6. They are blue-green discs with a particular pattern made out of snakes at its middle. All 4 Scenarios have their own Serpent Emblems to collect. They’re all separated, including the rewards you can collect from them.

Where can I find the emblem on the rooftop?

The emblem is on some shelves behind monitors. When you reach the rooftop, watch the scene with Simmons being attacked by zombies. After the scene, face the stairs and go underneath it to find the emblem on the floor, beyond the metal fences.

Where can I find Helena’s emblem?

After being seized by the Brzak B.O.W. (sea monster), Helena needs to rejoin Leon. On her way there, she goes through a stone tunnel between two rope bridges near where she starts in that section; the emblem is in one of the pots in that stone tunnel.