What is Tinikling dance in the Philippines?

Tinikling is a traditional Philippine folk dance which originated during the Spanish colonial era. The dance involves two people beating, tapping, and sliding bamboo poles on the ground and against each other in coordination with one or more dancers who step over and in between the poles in a dance.

Why did Bayanihan Dance Company declared as the National Folk Dance Company of the Philippines?

In appreciation and recognition of its pioneering efforts and international success, the people of the Philippines (through the 10th Congress enacted R. A. 8626) have declared the Bayanihan Philippine Dance Company as The Philippines National Folk Dance Company.

Who was the dance director of the Bayanihan Philippine National Folk Dance Company?

Helena Z Benitez founded the Bayanihan Folk Dance Group of the Philippine Women’s University. The following year, 1957, it was formally organized as the Bayanihan Folk Arts Center with the Bayanihan Philippine Dance Company as its performing arm.

Is Tinikling the official dance of the Philippines?

Alongside the Cariñosa dance, the Tinikiling is considered a national dance in the Philippines and almost every Filipino knows how to do it. Since it’s a dramatic dance, it’s usually performed on special occasions like traditional Filipino festivals or at school and theater performances.

Why is Tinikling important in our tradition?

The importance of Tinikling can be seen through the unique props, attire, and entertaining dance moves, as it represents many of the values that are important to the Philippines like nature and life. Some also say that Tinikling represents most of the Filipinos main character traits such as resilience and fun-loving.

Why is it called Tinikling?

Historical accounts describe that rice farmers on the island of Leyte set bamboo traps on their fields to protect them from the tikling birds – where the name Tinikling comes from. The farmers imitated the movement of the tikling birds as they slyly dodged the bamboo traps.

What is Bayanihan all about?

Bayanihan (buy-uh-nee-hun) is a Filipino custom derived from the Tagalog word “bayan” for nation, town or community. Bayanihan literally means “being in a bayan” and it refers to a fundamental aspect of Filipino culture: working together as a community to achieve a common goal.

What important Filipino culture is presented in Tinikling?

Tinikling Dance: Tinikling is often described as a folk dance that represents the attempts of Filipino rice farmers to catch and prevent the Tikling bird from stealing ripe rice grains from the fields (9).

Who made Tinikling?

Tinikling originated during the 1500s when the Spaniards conquered the Philippines. It was started by farmers on the Visayan Islands of Leyte. The dance has also been said to have derived from a punishment that the Spaniards practiced.

What is Bayanihan Filipino?

In the Philippines, the Bayanihan spirit is one of communal unity, helping others without expecting rewards, to achieve a certain goal. In earlier days, when houses were made of lighter materials such as coconut leaves, Bayanihan also meant helping one’s neighbours move their house — literally.