How much is a Golden Retriever and poodle mix?
How much is a Golden Retriever and poodle mix?
Both Poodles and Golden Retrievers are among the most popular dogs in the world and the most expensive too, depending on their pedigree. The puppies of these purebred dogs can also fetch high prices, and you can expect to pay around $1,500–$2,000 on average and occasionally, as high as $2,500.
How big does a Poodle Golden Retriever mix get?
The Miniature Goldendoodle is the result of a Miniature or Toy Poodle crossed with a Golden Retriever. These dogs tend to range in size from 13 to 20 inches in height and 15 to 35 pounds in weight. The average height for a Small Standard Goldendoodle is 17 to 20 inches; the weight is 40 to 50 pounds.
What does a Golden Retriever and a Goldendoodle make?
The Goldendoodle is a lovable and friendly dog that makes an ideal family pet. They were first bred in the early 1990s and are a cross between the Golden Retriever and Poodle. They were bred in order to produce a large friendly dog not prone to shedding, and thus, the Goldendoodle was born.
What is a 75% Golden Retriever and 25% Poodle called?
F1B Goldendoodle
The F1B Goldendoodle is 25% Golden Retriever and 75% Poodle, being a cross between an F1 Goldendoodle and a purebred Poodle or Golden Retriever. Usually, the Poodle forms the other parent, as breeders are looking to produce a non-shedding or very light-shedding puppy.
Are Goldendoodles easy to train?
Absolutely! Goldendoodles are generally regarded as being one of the easiest breeds to train. Whatever size Goldendoodle you have, from a Standard to a Mini or Toy Doodle pup, these dogs are highly trainable.
Are Goldendoodles aggressive?
Goldendoodles are not an aggressive breed. In fact, they are so well-loved partly because they are one of the sweetest dog breeds that you can own. They have an endless amount of love for their owners. Of course, this doesn’t mean that your Goldendoodle is going to be sweet and love all the time.
How much do F2 Goldendoodles cost?
The average price range of an F2b Goldendoodle is 500 to 2500 dollars. The reason for such a wide range is that the F2B Goldendoodle comes in a variety of sizes and colors. You may find out the puppies often sell for less, around $500 each.
What are the pros and cons of a Goldendoodle?
29 Goldendoodle pros, cons, and action items
Goldendoodles tend to be lower shedding dogs. | Lower shedding does not imply low maintenance. Goldendoodles have a variety of coat types and some need more grooming than others. But they all will need regular grooming. |
How much should you pay for a Goldendoodle?
For a good quality Goldendoodle, bred by a reputable breeder, be prepared to spend anywhere between $2000 to $3000. Consider the size and generation you might want to help determine your budget.