What does the S do in Stratego?

S = Spies are able to take any pieces on the board, but are destroyed if attacked. B = Bombs are able to destroy any piece that attacks it except the miner, which is the only piece in the game that can remove a bomb. Even if a piece detonates on a bomb, it is not removed without being swept by a Miner (3).

How many versions of Stratego are there?

two different versions
– Patch is excited to announce its popular board game Stratego® is now available in two different versions: Stratego® Waterloo and Stratego® Conquest! Stratego is the classic game of battlefield strategy that has sold over 20 million copies worldwide.

How do you win every time in Stratego?

Winning Stratego tactics

  1. Choose different Setups.
  2. Use bombs to protect your flag.
  3. Mix different ranks.
  4. Hide your Spy.
  5. Save some miners for the endgame.
  6. Trade off when you have the highest rank.
  7. Spread your Marshal and General.
  8. Check the arrangement.

What does the infiltrator do in Stratego?

The infiltrator can infiltrate bombs and the flag. The infiltrator can also attack using the normal attacking method, but remember he is the lowest rank (0) and even loses to the spy. Spotters may move and then attempt to attack and capture any piece on the square in front of it.

What kills the spy in Stratego?

The Spy is the lowest ranking piece. Every time an enemy officer strikes it, the Spy dies.

What happens if you tie in Stratego?

In the case of a tie, when a piece attacks an opposing piece of the same value, both pieces are removed from the board. If a piece attacks a bomb, the attacking piece is immediately defeated, unless the attacker was a Miner (marked with an eight in the original edition). In that case, the bomb is defeated.

Did they stop making Stratego?

The game remains in production, with new versions continuing to appear every few years. These are a few of the notable ones. The first U.S. edition (1961) Milton Bradley set, and a special edition 1963 set called Stratego Fine, had wooden pieces.

What is the only piece that can defeat the Marshall in Stratego?

The only pieces that can beat the marshal are the spy (and only if it attacks first), a bomb, or the other marshal.

What beats a spy in Stratego?

Each player also has one Spy, which succeeds only if it attacks the Marshal or the Flag. If the Spy attacks any other piece, or is attacked by any piece (including the Marshal), the Spy is defeated.

What beats a Bomb in Stratego?

Bombs are unmovable pieces in Stratego that blow up any attacking piece except for miners. The only way that a bomb can be removed from the board is if one of the opponent’s miners attack it.

Can a miner capture the flag in Stratego?

They can only be taken off the board if a miner attacks or removes them from the game. But overall, they are considered pieces that do not move. When you capture the flag of your opponent, you win the game.

What does a scout do in Stratego?

Classic pieces

Rank Piece Special properties
3/8 Miner Can defuse (i. e. capture) bombs
2/9 Scout moves any distance in a horizontal or vertical straight line, without leaping over pieces/lakes
1/S Spy Defeats the Marshal, but only if the Spy makes the attack
F Flag Immovable; capturing the opponent’s Flag wins the game