What is HiDDNS?

Hikvision has offered HiDDNS, a Dynamic Domain Name Service, (www.hik-online.com) as an optional service to end users to enable remote access to their video surveillance cameras from a connected device.

How do I connect to HiDDNS?

If you are accessing the DVR via your web browser, then go to Configuration > Network > Basic Settings > DDNS (Diagram 1.2). Enable DDNS and for the DDNS type dropdown, select HiDDNS. Select the relevant Area/Country that applies to you and input a unique device domain name. This can be any name.

What replaced iVMS-4500?

The best alternative is tinyCam Monitor, which is free. Other great apps like iVMS-4500 are OWLR IP Camera Viewer, IP Cam Viewer, CamController and uNetCams.

Is Hikvision DDNS free?

Remote Access of a DVR/NVR with Free HikVision DDNS Service.

Is HIK-connect free?

The Hik-Connect app is a free surveillance system application developed by HIKVISION HQ. Designed for the end-users, this utility software allows you to access your cameras remotely and from your mobile phone.

What happened to HIK online?

Hikvision has declared it will discontinue its Hikvision online service, just days after IPVM’s Hikvision Cloud Security Vulnerability Uncovered report. The abrupt move, including blocking logins in a few weeks, is troubling many dealers amidst ongoing security problems with the service.

How do I migrate from Hiddns to HIK-connect?

Here are the set-up instructions:

  1. Download the latest v2.0 Hik-Connect App at IOS App Store or Google Play.
  2. Register a Hik-Connect account via Hik -Connect web portal (www.hik-connect.com) or Hik-Connect App.
  3. Upgrade devices to the proper firmware that supports Hik-Connect.

Is iVMS-4500 still supported?

Thank you for your long-term support to Hikvision. Hikvision plans to discontinue the iVMS-4500 software and HiDDNS service from February 15, 2022.

Why is iVMS-4500 not working?

A few times the “connection failed” on Hikvision iVMS-4500 app is caused by using an old version of the app. Make sure that you have the latest version of the app on your iPhone or Android phone.

What is Hikvision DDNS?

The full name of Hik-Connect DDNS is Hik-Connect Dynamic Domain Name Service. Once a device is added to a Hik-Connect account, the Hik-Connect DDNS server will allocate the device serial number as the default Hik-Connect domain name. Customer can edit the domain name later via Hik-Connect APP or web portal.

Can Hikvision be hacked?

More than 70 Hikvision camera and NVR models are affected by a critical vulnerability that can allow hackers to remotely take control of devices without any user interaction.