How do I get a list of tables in SQL Plus?

This SQL query gives the list of tables that can be accessed by the user along with its owner. Query: SELECT owner, table_name FROM all_tables; This query returns the following list of tables that contain all the tables that the user has access to in the entire database.

How do I get a list of tables and fields in SQL Server?

2 Answers

  1. SELECT.
  2. AS SchemaName.
  3. , AS TableName.
  4. , AS ColumnName.
  5. FROM sys. schemas AS s.
  6. JOIN sys. tables AS t ON t. schema_id = s. schema_id.
  7. JOIN sys. columns AS c ON c. object_id = t. object_id.
  8. ORDER BY.

How do I View tables in SQL?

To view table data:

  1. In SQL Developer, search for a table as described in “Viewing Tables”.
  2. Select the table that contains the data.
  3. In the object pane, click the Data subtab.
  4. (Optional) Click a column name to sort the data by that column.
  5. (Optional) Click the SQL subtab to view the SQL statement that defines the table.

How can I see all tables in MySQL?

MySQL Show/List Tables

  1. Step 1: Open the MySQL Command Line Client that appeared with a mysql> prompt.
  2. Step 2: Next, choose the specific database by using the command below:
  3. Step 3: Finally, execute the SHOW TABLES command.
  4. Output:
  5. Syntax.

How do I get a list of databases in SQL Server?

To view a list of databases on an instance of SQL Server

  1. In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance.
  2. To see a list of all databases on the instance, expand Databases.

How can I see all tables in SQL Server database?

This first query will return all of the tables in the database you are querying.


How do I get a list of databases in MySQL?

To list all databases in MySQL, execute the following command: mysql> show databases; This command will work for you whether you have Ubuntu VPS or CentOS VPS. If you have other databases created in MySQL, they will be listed here.

How can I see all tables in MySQL database?

Show MySQL Tables To get a list of the tables in a MySQL database, use the mysql client tool to connect to the MySQL server and run the SHOW TABLES command. The optional FULL modifier will show the table type as a second output column.

What is the query to list all the databases?

To do that we will be using the below given commands: CREATE TABLE [database_name.] table_name ( pk_column data_type PRIMARY KEY, column_1 data_type NOT NULL, column_2 data_type., table_constraints ); If we do not mention the name of the database then the default USE database is selected for the creation of tables.

How to get the list of tables?

Click on the Reference tab.

  • Click on Insert Table of Figures in the Captions section.
  • Under General,make sure that Caption label is set to Table.
  • Also make sure that Include label and number is unchecked.
  • Click on Options.
  • Check the Style box,and select Table title in the dropdown box.
  • Click OK.
  • Click on Modify.
  • Click on Modify.
  • How to get row counts for all tables?

    Sunday,February 26,2017 – 12:51:38 AM – jayaram.

  • Wednesday,May 18,2016 – 11:30:10 AM – Vinod.
  • Friday,August 16,2013 – 8:19:22 AM – SteveC
  • Wednesday,March 6,2013 – 12:09:56 PM – Jeff.
  • Friday,February 1,2013 – 11:41:17 AM – komala
  • Sunday,January 27,2013 – 6:38:12 AM – Jimmi Beloitt
  • How to get all tables in SQL?

    Identify the complexity of the views based on number of tables involved,JOIN conditions,etc.

  • You could group few views and fire the query in Approach#4.
  • As the view complexity increases then the number of veiws grouped in each query should be reduced accordingly.
  • How to assign the values for the table list?

    Switch to the worksheet containing the list items.

  • In the column next to the list items add their corresponding values to be used in the form cell (as shown in Figure 9).
  • Switch back to the worksheet containing the form.
  • Select the form cell that will contain the value associated with the selected drop-down item.