What xDSL service has the highest projected data rate?
What xDSL service has the highest projected data rate?
Very High-Speed DSL (VDSL). Maximum downstream rates are projected to reach 55 Mbps over lines up to 1000 feet long or up to 13 Mbps over segments as long as 4500 feet. Upstream rates will range between 1.6 and 19.2 Mbps.
Which variant of xDSL has high bitrate for down stream?
VDSL – Very High Bit-rate Digital
VDSL – Very High Bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line VDSL is the fastest of all xDSL flavors and provides transmission rates of 13-52Mbps downstream and 1.5-2.3Mbps upstream over a single copper-pair wire, at a distance of 1,000-4,500 feet from the service provider’s premises.
What data rate is possible both upstream and downstream by HDSL?
HDSL (high-data-rate DSL)—Created in the late 1980s, this technology is meant to deliver symmetric service at upstream and downstream transfer rates up to 768 kbps in each direction (for a total of 1.544 Mbps).
How far can ADSL line go?
18,000 feet
In general, the maximum range for DSL without a repeater is 5.5 km (18,000 feet). As distance decreases toward the telephone company office, the data rate increases. Another factor is the gauge of the copper wire. The heavier 24 gauge wire carries the same data rate farther than 26 gauge wire.
Here’s what you need to know. The nbn™ Fibre to the Node (FTTN) and Fibre to the Building (FTTB) networks use VDSL2 technology.
What is difference between DSL and HDSL?
High-bit-rate digital subscriber line (HDSL) is a telecommunications protocol standardized in 1994. It was the first digital subscriber line (DSL) technology to use a higher frequency spectrum over copper, twisted pair cables.
What is the speed of HDSL?
1.544 Mbps
Type | Download Speed | Upload Speed |
ADSL | 1.5–9 Mbps | 16–640 Kbps |
SDSL | 1.544 Mbps | 1.544 Mbps |
HDSL | 1.544 Mbps | 1.544 Mbps |
VDSL | 20–50 + Mbps | Up to 20 Mbps |