What happens if your eBay account is below standard?
What happens if your eBay account is below standard?
Any time you fall below standard after being above standard or Top Rated, you will receive the same guidance and three-month opportunity to improve your performance, without additional performance-based selling limits or selling restrictions on your account.
What is a serious violation of eBay?
Activity that doesn’t follow eBay policy could result in a range of actions including for example: administratively ending or cancelling listings, hiding or demoting all listings from search results, lowering seller rating, buying or selling restrictions, and account suspension.
Can a husband and wife have separate eBay accounts?
They can be used simultaneously, and there are several reasons and benefits to maintaining separate accounts or stores. There are also policies in place that sellers should be aware of should they decide to set up multiple accounts.
What is eBay topstar program?
Top Star is for our most loyal buyers in select categories, and is an invite-only program; if you’re interested and believe you may qualify, please fill a consideration form on topstar.ebay.com (We will look at a range of factors to determine your qualification.)
Why did my eBay account get permanently suspended?
Contact eBay Directly Usually, a suspension is due to a rule violation, failure to pay fees or one of seven reasons eBay outlines in their terms of services. If you have been suspended, call eBay directly at 1-866-540-3229 and ask about ways to resolve the outstanding issues on your account.
How do I get above standard eBay?
To become a Top Rated Seller, you’ll need to have an eBay account that’s been active for at least 90 days. Your seller’s performance has to meet performance standards requirements on eBay. You’ll need to: Have at least 100 transactions and $1 000 in sales with US buyers over the past 12 months.