How do you get chosen for Make-A-Wish?
How do you get chosen for Make-A-Wish?
Parents, legal guardians, medical professionals, family members and potential wish kids are qualified to submit a referral. You can contact your local Make-A-Wish chapter for more information, or use the online referral form.
What does Make-A-Wish pay for?
The costs associated with providing a wish are paid for by various fund raising events and activities, volunteer services, individual donations, corporate contributions, and in-kind gifts and services. How are administrative expenses paid for by Make-A-Wish Foundation?
Do you have to be dying for Make-A-Wish?
Does a child’s illness have to be terminal in order to qualify for a wish? No, a child does not have to be terminally ill. In fact, many of our wish children grow into adulthood and lead healthy, happy lives.
What diseases qualify for Make-A-Wish?
We grant the wishes of medically eligible children (i.e., those diagnosed with critical illnesses — a progressive, degenerative or malignant condition that has placed the child’s life in jeopardy).
How many family members can go on a Make-A-Wish trip?
Make-A-Wish strives to grant wishes to as many eligible children as possible. Only one wish is granted per child. While we do not want to limit your child’s imagination as he or she decides on their special wish, please keep in mind that Make-A-Wish does have standards and guidelines that must be followed.
How long does the Make-A-Wish process take?
1 to 3 months
WISH GRANTING PROCESS FOR THOSE BEING CONSIDERED Once we receive all required paperwork (referral and medical eligibility forms, picture and bio) it will take 1 to 3 months for the documents to be processed. Once processed, you will receive a letter by mail informing you if your child has been approved.
What age does Make-A-Wish stop?
Adult Wishes Make-A-Wish does not grant wishes to adults older than 18. Read more about our specific eligibility requirements. Other wish-granting organizations serve those older than 18.
Does Make-A-Wish pay for the whole family?
Your family will not need to pay for any general expenses in relation to your child’s wish.
Is there a Make-A-Wish for adults?
Wish fulfillment organizations for adults and families Dream Foundation fulfills the wishes of adults with advanced illnesses. The foundation helps adults find peace and closure with the realization of a final wish. Dream Foundation grants requests to adults whose life expectancy is 9 months or less.