How do you take care of a crinum lily?

Crinum lilies thrive for decades with little care as long as they’re in the right location. They grow best in part shade but tolerate about any amount of light. They feel equally at home in dry, sandy soil and in moist soil at the edge of a pond. (Moist soil is where they’ll bloom best.)

Do ornamental lilies come back every year?

Lilies do not bloom more than once per season, but you can remove the faded flowers so that the plants don’t waste energy making seeds. After the lily blooms, you can also remove just the stem itself. However, do NOT remove leaves until they have died down and turned brown in fall.

Is crinum lily a perennial?

Crinum lilies are truly classic southern pass-along, summer-flowering sun perennials.

When should I cut back my crinum lilies?

Pinch off crinum flowers when they fade and the buds left on the stems will continue to produce more flowers. Do not cut off the entire stem until all the buds have bloomed and faded. When this happens, use hand clippers and snip off the flower stem at its base.

Why does my crinum not flower?

If a plant doesn’t flower, most of the time it’s in the wrong spot, overwatered or underwatered. Given our past downpours, don’t be surprised if some plants pout this summer. Some flowers actually bloom better after heavy rains — rain lilies, crinums and hymenocallis (giant white spider lilies), among others.

What do you do with lilies when they have finished flowering?

Lily flowers should be removed as soon as they fade. Blooms left in place will produce seed, which diverts energy from flower production and plant growth. The flowers can be cut or pinched off. Alternatively, cut the stalks when the blooms first open and use them in floral arrangements.

How many years do lilies last?

In my personal experience, Asiatics last for many years. I have many that are 8-9 years old. Oriental lilies tend to be much shorter lived, with the notable exception of Casa Blanca (I have had it since 2003), Crystal Blanca, which is related to Casa Blanca, Sorbonne and Acapulco.

Do crinum lilies need fertilizer?

For my crinums, I like to use a slow-release, balanced granular fertilizer. Spread this in early spring, early summer, and early fall around the base of plants. Work it lightly into the soil. This should be plenty of food for your plants.

When should I dig up my crinum?

Crinums are best divided in the winter when they are not actively growing. You can also dig around the clump, lift it, and then remove offshoot bulbs.

Why are my crinum lily leaves turning yellow?

There are any number of blights and bacterium, viruses and varmints that cause bean leaves to turn yellow. But the most likely cause for “bronze/orange” leaves is rust. Best described as a mix of yellow, brown and red, rust is a fungal disease prevalent in humid climates.

How do I get my crinum lilies to bloom?

Once crinums are well established they are relatively drought tolerant, though the plants grow best with consistent moisture. Potted crinums need to be watered frequently to keep the soil consistently moist. Crinums flower best when they are fed twice a year with a balanced fertilizer.