How do I enable round robin in DNS?

To configure the DNS server settings, Right click on the DNS server name in DNS manager and select the option properties. In the properties, select the tab advanced. By default the options “Enable Round Robin” and “Enable Netmask Ordering” are enabled.

What is DNS round robin technique?

Round-robin DNS is a technique of load distribution, load balancing, or fault-tolerance provisioning multiple, redundant Internet Protocol service hosts, e.g., Web server, FTP servers, by managing the Domain Name System’s (DNS) responses to address requests from client computers according to an appropriate statistical …

How do you DNS failover?

To implement failover on the server side, you’ll need to monitor all the servers listed in the DNS records—the primary server and additional redundant servers. As soon as a server goes down, the DNS server should automatically switch the DNS A record to list the IP address for the working server first.

What is round robin failover?

A DNS Failover configuration with a round-robin will split traffic evenly between hosts unless one of the hosts is offline in which case it would be removed from the round-robin pool. Here is how the DNS Failover services work: DNS Failover services are configured on A records which point to IP addresses.

What is the difference between round-robin and sticky sessions?

The round-robin algorithm is used to route a user’s first request to a web server when sticky load balancers are used to load balance in a round-robin manner. Requests are then forwarded to the same server until the sticky session expires. At this point, a new sticky session is created via the round-robin method.

Can DNS returns multiple IP addresses?

DNS can hold multiple records for the same domain name. DNS can return the list of IP addresses for the same domain name. When a web-browser requests a web-site, it will try these IP addresses one-by-one, until it gets a response.