What is the freezer code Sally face?

Look at the blood marks on the wall next to the freezer, and note that some marks are smaller than others. Looking at the small marks, you get the number 1413, so enter that number into the freezer lock. The freezer unlocks.

What is the code for the fourth door Sally face?

Walk right, and Exit through door into the garden. Look at the shed. Enter the code from Todd’s Note – 403 5364.

How do you get Addison Tea Sally face?

The Teacup can be given to Sal Fisher by Mr. Addison as many times as possible if asked.

How do you get the clumpy Sally face?

The player assumes the role of Clumpy, a mutant monkey, battling against mutant flies. In order to win, the player must survive and reach 1,000 points, which are earned by killing flies.

What is Mrs Packertons desk code?

It’s 3141. If you look up above the chalkboard, there’s a strip with the numbers for Pi written on it.

Where can I buy teeth Sally’s face?


  • N tooth: found in the abandoned apartment in the basement in the first bedroom.
  • E tooth: found in Room 102 on the floor to the right of the door.
  • Burned tooth: located in the bathroom of Room 202.
  • S tooth: on the kitchen counter in Room 304.
  • W tooth: Room 501 on the far right after the cutscene.

Who lives in 304 in Sally face?

Cassandra Sanderson, otherwise known as “Mrs. Sanderson” or simply “Sandy”, was a resident of Addison Apartments and used to live in Room 403 prior to her gruesome murder.

Will there be a sally face 2?

Sally Face 2 is an upcoming independent dark adventure game and the sequel to Sally Face. It is currently in development with no set release date.

How old is Sal Fisher?

Sal Fisher, a 15-year-old boy with a prosthetic face moves with his father to the Addison Apartments building in the town of Nockfell. The day before their arrival one of the other residents, Mrs. Sanderson, was murdered.

What is Henry Fisher password?

Go to Henry’s bedroom in Room 402. Enter the following password on Henry’s computer: 491145. After clicking “Enter” the computer will shut down and the page will be on the floor next to the bed.

Where is Sally face based?

Nockfell is a small rural American town located in Nockfell County that serves as the main setting for Sally Face.

Do we ever get to see Sally’s face?

The only people that are known to have seen his real face are Henry Fisher, Ashley Campbell, Larry Johnson, and Dr. Enon. Sal would have to remove his prosthetic in order to take ID photos. Steve Gabry, the developer of “Sally Face”, said that Sal is his favorite character in the game during an interview.