How do you hide the blinking cursor in CSS?

Hide the cursor in a webpage using CSS and JavaScript

  1. First, select the element where cursor element need to hide.
  2. Add CSS style cursor:none to the a class.
  3. Add the class name (class name of CSS style cursor:none) to the particular element where cursor element to be hide.

How do I get rid of blinking cursor?

STEP 1- Click Windows logo key + X to open settings. STEP 2- Locate & click on Device Manager. STEP 3- Find Mice and other pointing devices & right-click on it to choose the Update Driver option. STEP 4- Just restart your PC & there should be no longer a blinking cursor issue on your Windows 10.

How do I change my cursor from blinking to normal cursor?

If you wish to make the cursor blink faster or change its Repeat Rate or Delay, you can do so by opening Control Panel > Keyboard Properties. You will find the settings under the Speed tab. Change the settings according to your needs and click Apply/OK. That is all you need to do.

How do I disable the cursor in a text box?

you can use RightToLeft Property of Text Box, set it to true, you will not get rid of the Cursor, but it will get fixed at right corner and it will not appear automatically after every text you type in your text Box. I have used this to develop an application like Windows Calculator.

How do I make a caret in CSS?

C^ret is an online tool that helps you create a caret (or an arrow symbol) in pure CSS. The caret can be pointing in any direction, the border width, the color can be changed and the code is generated as you move the slider.

Why the cursor is blinking?

In Microsoft Word like applications, the cursor becomes a vertical bar that blinks to indicate where you are working in the document. But a cursor that is blinking/flashes rapidly or flickers may indicate some problem with the mouse or mouse drivers, video problems or Anti-virus Software and Other Issues.

Why is my cursor blinking everywhere?

How to Fix Text Cursor Appearing Everywhere in Chrome / Firefox / Edge (Disable Caret Browsing) Many browsers allow you to enable / disable Caret Browsing by simply pressing the F7 key on your keyboard. Pressing this key is the quickest way to enable / disable this option.

How do I change the cursor style in CSS?

You can simply use the CSS cursor property with the value pointer to change the cursor into a hand pointer while hover over any element and not just hyperlink. In the following example when you place the cursor over the list item, it will change into a hand pointer instead of the default text selection cursor.

How do I make my cursor normal?

In the Mouse Properties window that appears, click the Pointers tab. On the Pointers tab (shown below), select the mouse cursor you want to change in the Customize section.

How do I disable mouse events in CSS?


  1. none prevents all click, state and cursor options on the specified HTML element.
  2. auto restores the default functionality (useful for use on child elements of an element with pointer-events: none; specified.
  3. inherit will use the pointer-events value of the element’s parent.

Can I use pointer events CSS?

The pointer-events property defines whether or not an element reacts to pointer events….Definition and Usage.

Default value: auto
Inherited: yes
Animatable: No. Read about animatable
Version: CSS3
JavaScript syntax:”none” Try it