Where does the phrase getting your goat come from?

To make someone annoyed or angry: “Gavin may seem unflappable, but I know a way to get his goat.” This expression comes from a tradition in horse racing. Thought to have a calming effect on high-strung thoroughbreds, a goat was placed in the horse’s stall on the night before the race.

What is the meaning of do whatever floats your boat as long as it doesn’t sink mine?

The expression ‘whatever floats your boat’ means do what brings you joy. For example: It’s your birthday. We can go to the theatre or have a meal in a posh restaurant. Whatever floats your boat.

What does mow your goat mean?

: to upset or irritate someone The way she’s always correcting other people really gets my goat!

What does drop a dime mean?

to give information (as to the authorities) about another’s improper or unlawful activities. The criminal dropped a dime on his former associates in exchange for a more lenient sentence.

Where does the term float your boat come from?

The idiom, whatever floats your boat, could refer to the American slang, floating, meaning high or intoxicated by drugs. The term “whatever” also hints that the speaker is indifferent to the outcome or choice about to be made. The following extract is from the website businessballs.com, run by Alan Chapman.

Can goats swim?

So, can goats swim? The answer is they’re great swimmers and have been known to swim long distances and even across seas to populate on close neighbouring islands.

What does whatever rocks your boat mean?

To “rock the boat” means to upset the situation or cause trouble. So you could say “whatever rocks your world” and mean “whatever pleases you”, but not “whatever rocks your boat.” Happiness/serenity in the nautical world means a boat floating peacefully on calm water, not rocking. :-D.

What is whatever rows your boat?

(idiomatic) Do whatever makes you happy or stimulates you.

What is the meaning of Suit Yourself?

to do what one wants to do
Definition of suit oneself informal. : to do what one wants to do —used especially to tell people that they can do what they want even though one does not think it is what they should do “I don’t want to go.” “Suit yourself.