What is the hardest location in Fallout 4?

Fallout 4: The 10 Hardest Encounters In The Entire Game

  1. 1 Enraged Fog Crawler. Enraged Fog Crawlers are by far the toughest non-Legendary opponent in Fallout 4.
  2. 2 Gunners Plaza.
  3. 3 Venomous Anglers.
  4. 4 Mythic Deathclaws.
  5. 5 35 Court.
  6. 6 Quincy Ruins.
  7. 7 Vault 114.
  8. 8 Massachusetts State House Mirelurk Queen.

How many locations are there to be discovered in Fallout 4?

General information. There are at least 325 marked locations in total in the base game of Fallout 4, spread throughout the Commonwealth, Boston (situated in the center of the Commonwealth, by the Charles River) and the Glowing Sea (situated in the southwest corner of the Commonwealth).

Where is the best loot in Fallout 4?

Top Loot Locations in the Early Hours of Fallout 4

  1. Local Uncharted Territory.
  2. The Cryolaytor (You Can’t Have it Now)
  3. Out of the Vault.
  4. Loot Sanctuary (If You Haven’t Already)
  5. A Shack to the North.
  6. Target Practice.
  7. Secluded Tool Shed.
  8. Robotic Disposal Ground.

Where can I find the best guns in Fallout 4?

The Overseer’s Guardian, arguably the best weapon in Fallout 4, can be found just to the southeast of Oberland Station, or slightly northwest of Diamond City.

What is a mythic deathclaw?

The mythic deathclaw represents the apex deathclaw in Fallout 4. Although its resistances don’t rise any more, the generous health pool and high damage mean it’s a foe not to be taken lightly. This creature drops the following: deathclaw hand, deathclaw meat.

What’s the strongest enemy in Fallout 4?

The Mythic Deathclaw is the strongest enemy in all of Fallout 4 and the bane of many players’ existence. This creature is level 91+ and has over 1,300 health. It has a damage resistance of 300 with an energy resistance of 400, but isn’t completely immune to rads.