Can you hide a formula in Excel?

Hide the Formulas Right-click the cell (or cells) and choose Format Cells. In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Protection tab. Check the Hidden box. Note: Hidden is what prevents the user from seeing the formula.

How do you hide formulas in Excel without protecting sheet?

If you’re wondering whether you can hide the formulas in Excel without protecting the sheet, unfortunately, you can’t. As of now, the only way to hide the formulas in Excel is to protect the sheet and also make sure that the hidden properties enabled for the cells that have the formula.

How do I remove formulas from showing?

You can use a keyboard shortcut, click a button and even use a formula to show formulas….Showing formulas using a button

  1. Click the Formulas tab in the Ribbon.
  2. In the Formula Auditing group, click Show Formulas.
  3. Click Show Formulas again to hide the formulas.

How do I hide a formula in Excel but allow input?

1. Select the cells you need to protect their formatting but only allow data entry, then press Ctrl + 1 keys simultaneously to open the Format Cells dialog box. 2. In the Format Cells dialog box, uncheck the Locked box under the Protection tab, and then click the OK button.

How do I hide formula until data is entered?

Keep cell blank until data entered in Select first cell that you want to place the calculated result, type this formula =IF(OR(ISBLANK(A2),ISBLANK(B2)), “”, A2-B2), and drag fill handle down to apply this formula to the cells you need.

How do you remove formula and keep values in Excel?

Delete a formula but keep the results

  1. Select the cell or range of cells that contains the formula.
  2. Click Home > Copy (or press Ctrl + C).
  3. Click Home > arrow below Paste > Paste Values.

How do I hide a formula in Excel 2010 without protecting?

Right-click on then select “Format Cells” from the popup menu. When the Format Cells window appears, select the Protection tab. Uncheck the “Locked” checkbox. Click on the OK button.

Why is the formula showing in Excel?

There are two main reasons you might see a formula instead of a result: You accidentally enabled Show Formulas. Excel thinks your formula is text.

Why is Excel showing formula?

The reason Show Formulas can be accidentally enabled is because it has the keyboard shortcut (Control `) that a user might unknowingly type. Try Control ` in a worksheet to see how it works. You’ll see you can quickly toggles all formulas on and off. Show Formulas toggles the display of every formula in a worksheet.

How do I hide NA in Excel?

To hide the #N/A error that VLOOKUP throws when it can’t find a value, you can use the IFERROR function to catch the error and return any value you like. When VLOOKUP can’t find a value in a lookup table, it returns the #N/A error.

How do you delete a formula in Excel without deleting data?

Remove the formulas within a sheet (but leave the data)

  1. highlight the area (or the whole sheet)
  2. Copy it (CTRL + C or whatever way you use to Copy cells)
  3. Click on Paste Special (you don’t have to choose where it will go- it will overwrite what it copied)
  4. Choose the paste as Values icon.

How to make Excel show formula bar or hide it?

Click Kutools > Show/Hide > View Options,see screenshot:

  • In the View Options dialog box,check or uncheck the Formula Bar option under the Application Settings section. See screenshot:
  • Click Ok to apply the setting. (Note: If you want to apply this option to all the worksheets,please click Apply to all sheets .)
  • How do I get the formula bar back in Excel?

    Since the formula bar is always pointing to the active cell while applying the formula,you should ensure the active cell is correct.

  • Better to use a formula bar for editing an applied formula.
  • Apart from the menu bar,use the shortcuts and right-click the selection to make your work easy.
  • How to enable and disable formula bar in Excel?

    Turn Formula Bar On or Off From Excel. To toggle the formula bar On or Off: On the Ribbon: 1. Click View. 2. Check or Uncheck “Formula Bar” in the Show section. or you can use keyboard shortcuts: Alt > W > V > F.

    How to hide formulas in Excel by cool trick?

    In Excel,click File > Options

  • In the Excel Options dialog box,click Customize Ribbon
  • Click New Tab to create a new ribbon tab,then click New Group to create a section within the new tab.
  • In the Choose commands from drop-down,select Macros.
  • Use the Rename…button to give the tab,group or macro a more useful name.
  • Click OK to close the window.