What is the antonym of jolted?

Antonyms. rise recede ascend ride linger stay in place precede.

What jolting means?

1 : an abrupt, sharp, jerky blow or movement awoke with a jolt. 2a(1) : a sudden feeling of shock, surprise, or disappointment the news gave them a jolt. (2) : an event or development causing such a feeling the defeat was quite a jolt. b : a serious setback or reverse a severe financial jolt.

What is the synonym of jarred?

(or cavilled), fussed, nitpicked.

What part of speech is jolt?

JOLT (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is an extenuation?

1 : to lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of (something, such as a fault or offense) by making partial excuses : mitigate There is no economic analysis that can extenuate bigotry.—

What is the meaning of jot down?

: to write briefly or hurriedly : set down in the form of a note jot this down.

What is jarred and jolted?

Jarred synonyms and antonyms To jolt is defined as to push, prod, shake, or surprise someone abruptly or in order to make them act, or to lurch or move ungracefully. 1.

What is a Jared?

Jared definition (biblical) A man mentioned in the Book of Genesis, a descendant of Adam and of Seth, the father of Enoch, an ancestor of Noah. pronoun. 1.

What is the difference between jerk and jolt?

A “jerk” can be a sudden tug or pull. A “jerk” can also mean irregular movement; “jerky” is the opposite of “smooth.” A “jolt” is a sudden push, perhaps from being hit. The skydiver felt a jerk when his parachute opened, and a jolt when he hit the ground.

What is Insinuatingly?

Definition of insinuating 1 : winning favor and confidence by imperceptible degrees : ingratiating. 2 : tending gradually to cause doubt, distrust, or change of outlook often in a slyly subtle manner insinuating remarks.