How do you install a heat trace cable?

Begin attaching the heat tracing cable to the pipe on the lower half of the pipe at a 45° angle (looking at the pipe straight on, attach a single cable at 4 o’clock and if using an additional cable, at 8 o’clock). Attach the cable using heat or fiberglass tape every 6” to 1′ back toward the power source.

What is btv heating?

BTV heating cables maintain process temperatures up to 150°F (65°C) and can withstand intermittent exposure to temperatures up to 185°F (85°C). The heating cables are configured for use in nonhazardous and hazardous locations, including areas where corrosives may be present.

How do you install heat trace on PVC pipe?

It is recommended to install a foil material between the pipe and the heat cable to avoid direct contact and help provide a more even heating. If doing this place the heat trace control thermostat directly onto the pipe with no foil over it or between it and the pipe to ensure a more accurate reading.

Does self-regulating heat trace need a thermostat?

Does self-regulating heat trace need a thermostat? Although it’s called “self-regulating,” the cable will not turn itself completely on or off. So, we do recommend that a controller or thermostat of some sort to be used with this type of heating wire.

How do I know if my heat Tracker is working?

Switch the power source back on to the heat tape. Feel along the length of the heat tape. It should be getting warm. If the heat tape fails to warm up, after 10 minutes, the thermostat or the heat tape itself is bad.

How much resistance should heat trace have?

20 M Ohms
Minimum readings of 20 M Ohms for each circuit is an acceptable level to test for. A record should be kept of the reading after the cable has been installed. This reading can be used as a reference point when taking future readings during regular maintenance.

How do I keep my PVCS from freezing?

Even if there’s only a small chance of freezing temperatures, your PVC pipes should be insulated enough to maintain temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Fiberglass insulation is best, but foam insulation works well too. The latter is cheaper, and you can do it yourself, while fiberglass may require a professional.

Can you use zip ties on heat tape?

While it’s best to use tape, Cable Ties or Zip Ties will work as long as they are not pulled so tight that they cut into the cable. Q: Can the Heat Cable Kits be used on plastic pipes? Yes.

Can self-regulating heat trace touch itself?

Constant wattage heat trace and MI cable cannot cross or touch itself. When a constant wattage heat trace is crossed over itself, the heat only increases. When applying constant wattage heat cables to your pipes or other surfaces, ensure that they do not cross and are spaced sufficiently.