What does crocosmia symbolize?

Symbolism. The wonderfully evocative name Crocosmia comes from the Greek words krokos (saffron) and osme (scent). This is a reference to the strong, recognisable saffron scent that is released when the dried flowers are placed in hot water.

Why is crocosmia called Lucifer?

Crocosmia is part of the iridaceae family, meaning it’s like a first cousin of Gladiola and Iris (about which you can learn more here). The variety we grow at Sun Valley is nicknamed “Lucifer” for its brilliant red color. Think little horns, cloven hooves, pitchfork… Yep, that Lucifer.

What goes with crocosmia Lucifer?

Plant it with? This is a plant that looks best en masse. If you must mix it up, add dark red dahlias, monardas and castor oil plants for a hot border: or, for a really eye-popping combination, plant with the bright yellow spires of loosestrife (Lysimachia punctata).

Why does my crocosmia Lucifer not flower?

There are several reasons why your Crocosmia may not be flowering well. It might be that the plant is congested, and needs to be divided – see above for more information on how to do this. Aim to divide your plant every 3 years to ensure it’s in the best health and maximise flower production.

Is crocosmia poisonous to humans?

Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ has no toxic effects reported.

What is the common name for crocosmia?

falling stars
Common names for crocosmia are coppertips and falling stars. Other names for hybrids and cultivars include montbretia, antholyza and curtonus. Crocosmia crocosmiiflora (montbretia) dates from the 1800s.

What flowers go well with crocosmia?

Their intense colors contrast well with blue and purple Salvias (Sage), Agapanthus (Lily of the Nile), Geraniums (Cranesbills) or silver foliage plants.

Should you cut back crocosmia?

Cut back the foliage almost to ground level when the leaves wither and die back. Propagate by division in spring just before growth starts. Crocosmia should only be divided every 3-4 years (in late summer or early fall), to restore vigor and increase flower production.

What animal eats crocosmia?

Crocosmia lucifer is a brightly colored plant that attracts hummingbirds to flower gardens. Deer and rabbits resist eating plant shoots, making the plant attractive to areas where these animals are a problem. Crocosmia lucifer should be planted at a depth of 2 to 3 inches and 6 to 8 inches apart from each other.

Is crocosmia an invasive plant?

Crocosmias can become invasive. The Montbretia cultivars in particular spread rapidly by way of their creeping stolons. Crocosmias’ invasive nature is a larger problem in some U.S. states than other states. In many states, including in California, the plants’ invasive potential is limited.