What happens in Episode 3 of Lost?
What happens in Episode 3 of Lost?
Jack suffocates Mars to put an end to his pain. The next day, Locke finds Walt’s missing dog, Vincent, using a makeshift dog whistle. He brings Vincent to Michael, saying that as Walt’s father, he should be the one to reunite them. Kate offers to tell Jack what her crime was.
How did Lost end final episode?
After Kate, Sawyer, and Claire board the plane, Lapidus successfully gets it off the island. Jack leads Hurley and Ben back to the heart of the Island, where Jack convinces an emotional Hurley to take over as the protector of the island, stating Hurley was always meant to be the leader.
Who was in the coffin at the end of season 3 of Lost?
The identity of the deceased individual inside the coffin was not revealed to the audience until “There’s No Place Like Home, Part 2”. Jack learned of the death through a obituary for “Jeremy Bentham”, which he evidently recognized as the alias of John Locke.
Do Nikki and Paulo get out of the grave?
Their bodies were found, mistaken for corpses, and buried at Boone Hill, and just as the first pile of dirt splashed across Nikki’s face, yes, her eyes blinked open. But the castaways failed to see it, and so they buried Nikki and Paulo alive. And so, rest in peace, Nikki and Paulo.
What did Mikhail say in Lost?
Mikhail speaks to the cat in Russian (“Оставь ковёр, Надя”, could be translated as “Leave the rug, Nadia”) and Sayid recognizes the name “Nadia”.]
What was in the greenhouse in Lost?
In the greenhouse a marijuana crop is growing. Mike and Jan count their money, pack the drugs, and prepare to flee. Mike and Jan are furious with Locke because they have discovered that Eddie is an undercover cop who has been gathering evidence for the police over the last six weeks.
Who was in the casket on Lost season 3?
The coffin contains the body of John Locke. Ben approaches Jack in the funeral parlor and tells him that they need to get Locke’s body back to the island so he can be resurrected.
Who was in the coffin through the looking glass?
Episode Appearances. In Episode 3×22, Through the Looking Glass and Episode 4×13, There’s No Place Like Home Part 2 Jack reads an obituary for Jeremy Bentham and goes to the funeral home. He is the only one to show up. He doesn’t look inside the casket.
Were the passengers on Lost dead?
But no, they were not dead all along after the plane crashed. The flashsideways scenes depict an afterlife that the characters constructed for themselves due to the fact that their time on the island – which was completely real from start to end – was the most important part of their respective lives.
What was the twist in Lost?
A plot twist: Ben tells Sawyer they are actually on a second Island that was previously unknown to the survivors.