What is cuBLAS in Cuda?

The cuBLAS Library provides a GPU-accelerated implementation of the basic linear algebra subroutines (BLAS). cuBLAS accelerates AI and HPC applications with drop-in industry standard BLAS APIs highly optimized for NVIDIA GPUs.

How does GPU do matrix multiplication?

In your case of matrix multiplication. You can parallelize the computations, Because GPU have much more threads and in each thread you have multiple blocks. So a lot of computations are parallelized, resulting quick computations.

What is Nvblas?

The NVBLAS Library is a GPU-accelerated Libary that implements BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms). It can accelerate most BLAS Level-3 routines by dynamically routing BLAS calls to one or more NVIDIA GPUs present in the system, when the charateristics of the call make it speed up on a GPU.

What is Cutlass Nvidia?

Hierarchical GEMM Structure. CUTLASS applies the tiling structure to implement GEMM efficiently for GPUs by decomposing the computation into a hierarchy of thread block tiles, warp tiles, and thread tiles and applying the strategy of accumulating matrix products.

What is cuBLASLt?

One of the new additions in CUDA 10.1 is cuBLASLt. As part of the cuBLAS library that offers GPU-accelerated implementations of standard basic algebra subroutines is is meant as a lightweight tool to conduct general matrix-to-matrix multiply (GEMM) operations.

What is Nvidia Nccl?

The NVIDIA Collective Communications Library (NCCL, pronounced “Nickel”) is a library providing inter-GPU communication primitives that are topology-aware and can be easily integrated into applications.

Why GPU is faster than CPU?

Why is GPU Superior to CPU? Due to its parallel processing capability, a GPU is much faster than a CPU. For the hardware with the same production year, GPU peak performance can be ten-fold with significantly higher memory system bandwidth than a CPU. Further, GPUs provide superior processing power and memory bandwidth.

What is implicit GEMM?

Implicit GEMM is the formulation of a convolution operation as a GEMM (generalized matrix-matrix product). Convolution takes an activation tensor and applies a sliding filter on it to produce an output tensor.

What is Nvidia TensorRT?

TensorRT, built on the NVIDIA CUDA® parallel programming model, enables developers to optimize inference by leveraging libraries, development tools, and technologies in CUDA-X™ for AI, autonomous machines, high performance computing, and graphics.

How do I find Cuda version?

Finding the NVIDIA cuda version

  1. Open the terminal application on Linux or Unix.
  2. Then type the nvcc –version command to view the version on screen:
  3. To check CUDA version use the nvidia-smi command:

Does Nccl use MPI?

Using NCCL within an MPI Program NCCL can be easily used in conjunction with MPI. NCCL collectives are similar to MPI collectives, therefore, creating a NCCL communicator out of an MPI communicator is straightforward. It is therefore easy to use MPI for CPU-to-CPU communication and NCCL for GPU-to-GPU communication.