How much food do you need per settler?

Yes, 1 food/water/bed per settler is enough.

How do I get unlimited purified water in Fallout 4?

In order to get deposits of purified water, you must have a surplus of water in Sanctuary (or other Settlement), best done with a water purifier connected to a generator that is placed near the water to be material-efficient, along with a few normal pumps.

How do I get food for my settlement in Fallout 4?

So, the key to getting the food that you need is to think of the game more like Minecraft. When your settlers first move into Sanctuary they’ll set up some farmland with melons and a couple of other items. You can quickly get more food by just picking these items and then replanting them.

How many plants can one settler tend to Fallout 4?

12 plants
Each settler assigned to food resources can only handle up to 12 plants; nearly all crops (carrots, corn, gourds, melons, razorgrain, and tato) have an yield of 0.5 food per harvest, but mutfruit yields 1 food per harvest.

How many crops can a settler tend to?

According to the Wiki: A single settler assigned to harvesting food can work 6 food units worth of crops, whether they’re the standard 0.5 units per plant or mutfruit’s 1.0 unit per plant. This means that they can work 12 crops at .

How many crops can a settler be assigned to?

Can you turn wild Mutfruit into Mutfruit?

It looks very similar to pieces of regular mutfruit but the wild variant is of a slightly different shade. The fruit cannot be grown in settlements and cannot be used in place of regular mutfruit in recipes.

Can you make antibiotics Fallout 4?

Antibiotics can be crafted at any chemistry station. They are also random loot in chem boxes and first aid boxes.

How much purified water can a settlement produce?

According to the Fallout 4 wikia: Every 24 hours, a settlement with a non-zero population will produce 1 purified water per unit of water production. This water will be stored automatically in the settlement’s workshop.

How do I get more food for my settlement?

Right next to water, food is essential for a settlement. The usual method of generating food is planting crops using the crafting interface. To do so, just pick any of the food plants from the resources menu and plant them in the dirt (open ground).

What are bobbleheads in Fallout 4?

Fallout 4’s Bobbleheads are special items that boost specific stats, traits, and weapon power. They’re hidden all over the wasteland-on the tops of shelves, behind piles of rubbish, and scattered on desks.

What to do with purified water in Fallout 4?

If you find you’re no longer getting excess purified water, this may be the problem. Otherwise, USE IT! Craft Vegetable Starch or take it to another Settlement entirely and store it so that it might again produce in the first Settlement. Purified Water can also be sold for a decent rate, making this a viable money-making tactic in Fallout 4.

Where can I find the energy weapons bobblehead?

The Energy Weapons Bobblehead is located on a table between two big fridges. Once inside Vault 95, located on the northeast side of the Glowing Sea (here’s our guide to the dangerous area), you’ll have to get past the Gunners that guard the vault.

What are the utility and special bobbleheads?

The Utility Bobbleheads provide small buffs to various skills, such as better bartering prices, better Stimpak healing, and easier lockpicking. Like the Special Bobbleheads, they’re scattered all over the wasteland. Here’s how to find them all.